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Strategic Ally Cork ReHarvest requested introductions to prominent journalists for their 2013 Portugal cork harvest-media tour. Ei media pals Elizabeth Royte and Pattie Baker, joined the late June cork-harvest tour via the Ei introduction. In preparation for the journey, Pattie published, Cork=Good, But Easier Said Than Done, on her popular FoodShed Planet – eclectic food-for-though for a changing world. Post adventure, the More Uses Than I Realized (and Now My Imagination Is Going Wild) FoodShed Planet article is a fantastic tour overview complete with pictures and videos.

In October 2012, Martha Stewart’s Whole Living featured Elizabeth’s Spoil Alert on Atlanta’s pioneering spirit in wasted-food reduction and rescue. The ZWA Blog post, Atlanta Wasted Food Heroes in National Spotlight, is an article overview plus commentary.