Washington D.C.

Each December 2011 through 2014, trade association and non-profit executives from the entire sustainable food & beverage-packaging value chain met in Washington D.C. for a day of vibrant dialogue and sharing.

For the final three years, Global Green’s D.C. office hosted the meeting. Ei orchestrated the meeting administration, moderated the meeting presentations and strategy session, and documented the powerful meeting dialogue in a ZWA Blog article.

Mission Accomplished: the original meeting intention was to create industry synergies (as opposed to competition) among the complementary organizations. During the 2014 presentation, it was empowering to witness the tremendous synergies, along with many joint pilots | programs, among the meeting participants. Beginning in 2015, the group convenes with a two-hour conference call rather than a full-day meeting.

The F&B Packaging Value Chain Meetings – Accomplished page documents the powerful meetings complete with ZWA Blog & FB album links and PPT presentations available for download.