Atlanta, GA

On March 8, 2017 Ei orchestrated a powerful meeting of Atlanta’s sustainability leadership hosted by Affairs to Remember Caterers. The overt meeting purpose was to introduce City of Atlanta Director of Sustainability John Rutherford Seydel to Affairs with an overview of their in-depth sustainability commitment.

In addition, Mercedes-Benz Stadium General Manager Scott Jenkins and Ray C. Anderson Foundation Executive Director John Lanier joined the lunch meeting. It was an inspiring lunch filled with empowering conversation and delicious cuisine.

Ei Founder Holly Elmore introduced Ei’s new focus area Carbon Sequestration during the lunch discussion. The ZWA Blog article, Carbon Crisis: simple a matter of balance, educates on Carbon Cycles | Pools and the Soil | Compost’s heroic role in carbon balance, the foundations for the new focus area.

Photos from the powerful meeting are included in the Ei FB album, Ei Connects.