Southface, Atlanta, GA

A POCACITO delegation from Croatia and Munich, Germany visited Atlanta September 17 and 18 for two whirlwind days of meetings, tours, and vibrant dialogue.

Funded by the European Union, Ecologic Institute US (EIUS) orchestrates delegations of European industry leaders on visits to select U.S. cities. Delegates represent a diverse cross-section of government stewards, activists, entrepreneurs, and non-profit executives from the European Union. For a POCACITO visit, EIUS organizes a series of meetings, tours, workshops, lectures, and town hall meetings designed for interactive sharing of in-place circular-economy practices.

Ei Founder Holly Elmore worked closely with EIUS President Max Gruenig on Atlanta introductions and other visit logistics. The final POCACITO Atlanta event was the From Circular Economy to Circular Society Town Hall Meeting held at the Southface event space. Ei was honored to co-host the town hall meeting.

The RiA Blog article, From a Circular Economy to a Circular Society, gives an overview of the powerful Atlanta POCACITO visit. A section in the Ei FB album, Ei Connects, includes a pictorial recap of the visit.

POCACITO Town Hall Meeting presentations are available for download below:

POCACITO_CityofIvanic_Croatia_VlatkaBerlan_PPT (5476 KB)

POCACITO_RehabRepublic_Munich_JannaJungIrrgang (3173 KB)