LAI Suncoast Event

On Thursday, April 25, 2024, the Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Suncoast Chapter underdevelopment hosted its second official event at Grove Restaurant located in one of Lakewood Ranch’s (LWR) three town centers. LAI VP Craig Binning traveled from Toronto to attend the meeting, educate on the value of LAI membership, and induct four new members.

Since 2018 LWR consistently ranks the top performing multi-generational community in the nation; thus, LWC was a perfect location for the LAI Suncoast meeting.

LWR SVP Laura Cole gave an excellent presentation, Lakewood Ranch: past, present, and future. The referenced link is a a pdf of Laura’s presentation.

After the presentation, Craig formally inducted Jay Brady, Sylwia Majewski, Steve Majewski, and Jim Paulmann as LAI At-Large Members and future LAI Suncoast Chapter members, if and when the chapter is chartered.

Post meeting, the attendees enjoyed a reception sponsored by LAI Global.

The IMPACT magazine article, Shining Stars: Lakewood Ranch and LAI Suncoast!, published with an LAI introduction, LAI Suncoast history, LAI member inductions, and an overview of Laura’s impressive presentation; the HEI album, LAI Suncoast 04-25-24 Event, chronicles the meeting as well as Craig on his Holly’s SRQ Tour.