LAI Global Water-Land Series Group Webinar

The Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Global Water-Land Series Group (Group) hosted the Introduction to Water and Land Economics Global Webinar; introductory in nature, the webinar was designed as a foundation for a plethora of future webinars on more specific topics.

As the Group Co-Chair, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore orchestrated the superb webinar and invited Ei Advisors and LAI members Steve Suau and Brad Bass to serve as webinar panelists along with UC Davis Distinguished Professor Jay Lund, a LAI Sacramento Chapter member.

Below is a synopsis of the webinar agenda:
Jay Lund – Overview & History
• Overview of the current water supply and quality scenario and its implications on land economics; give history and name institutions involved in water management.
• Western N America specific challenges, solutions, and success stories.

Steve Suau – Integrated Watershed Management
• Four elements of integrated watershed management.
• Florida specific challenges, solutions, and success stories.

Brad Bass – Algal Blooms, a Economic Perspective
• Overview of the algae blooms that segue into challenges with non-native/invasive species.
• Solutions available at a regional level as well as examples of successful local programs in the Canadian Great Lakes region.

A superb Question & Answer session followed the excellent presentations; topics ran the gamut from local and federal government policy and regulations to carbon sequestration to solutions for Big Sugar’s impact on the Everglades to the implications of sea-level rise on coastal communities.

To view the recorded Introduction to Water and Land Economics webinar, click HERE.

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine article, Introduction to Water and Land Economics, gives an in-depth summary of the impressive webinar.

The panelist PPT presentations are available for download: Jay Lund, Steve Suau, Brad Bass