Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Sarasota, FL

LAI FL Suncoast Chapter underdevelopment hosted their third official meeting at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation (GCCF) offices. Thanks to the GCCF’s generous sponsorship, the well-attended event was open to LAI members and prospective members at no charge. The meeting ended with a lovely reception that was much appreciated by the attendees.

Prior to the program, four new LAI FL Suncoast members – GCCF SVP Community Investment Jon Thaxton, Stantec Project Manager, Planning Katie LaBarr, MSC Commercial Real Estate Advisor Kevin McQuaid, and Wetland Extend Landward Owner Ray Goldsby – were inducted by LAI members Holly Elmore, Ei Founder & CEO, and John McCarthy, Selby Gardens VP for Regional History.

Jon gave an excellent presentation on Affordable Housing: There are Simple Solutions. With affordable housing a national and global crisis, it was important to share the local-housing scenario, learn about successes and projects under development, and understand the magnitude and implications of the housing crisis.

After Jon’s excellent presentation, One Stop Housing (OSP) Managing Director Mark Vengroff gave a spontaneous presentation on their innovative solutions for affordable housing. OSP developed a sustainable, profitable AH business model that focuses on reduced building and maintenance costs while building quality housing.

It was unanimously decided to forego the formal Q&A session and segue into the awaiting reception where discussions continued in an informal setting.

The IMPACT article, LAI FL Suncoast Pursues Formal Chapter Status, published with an overview of the June 13 meeting; the Holly Elmore Images-photo gallery, 06-13-24 LAI FL Suncoast Meeting, gives a meeting pictorial recount.