Collective Consciousness

Collective Consciousness is a solution

As humanity toils with significant survival challenges – rising sea levels, extreme weather, diminished fresh, clean water, excessive toxins and pollution, and more – ancient wisdom emerges from within the chaos with a message: collective consciousness is a solution. Working together in a holographic manner where ALL benefit is a must to ensure survival.

ALL is defined as the entire spectrum of living species and ecosystems as well as inanimate earth resources. Within humanity, ALL refers to the various societal structures and ensuring that the worker population is treated with dignity, respect, and cared for with the necessities of food, shelter, and clothing.

WE Consciousness
In 2012, Ei introduced the WE Consciousness as a higher octave of the then tagline Sustainability in ACTION. When the “I” is replaced with “WE,” the impact of our actions extends to the entire community and beyond; collective action accomplishes more profound results than singular effort. By working together, synergies are unlocked, unnecessary boundaries, including competitive barriers, disintegrate, and creative energies catapult possibilities into grounded realities.

The November 2023 RiA article, Collective Consciousness: a movement, a solution, introduces collective consciousness with a brief history and substantiates how it is integral to Ei’s important work via three examples: 1>Zero Waste is a Team Sport, 2> the Sustainable Food & Beverage Packaging Value Chain Meetings (2011 -2014,) and 3> the Nature Prevails platform.

Yet, collective consciousness begins with individual and group consciousness.

Individual Action Matters
Though the current environmental crisis may seem overwhelming, there are ample actions whose impact is negligible on an individual basis yet tremendous from a cumulative perspective. Individuals are consumers whose dollars vote for their choice in products, manufacturing standards and practices, and treatment of the labor force. To maintain profitability, companies and organizations must provide products and services that the consumer is willing to purchase.

When an individual shifts action and shares the new practices with friends personally and on social media, group consciousness emerges within the individual’s network of family, friends, and business colleagues. If group members share within their individual network, seeds are germinated for collective consciousness to emerge.

Ei encourages individual action that segues into collective consciousness.

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