Product Stewardship

Integrity throughout the entire product life-cycle

Ei embraces an integrated approach to regeneration where products and practices are explored from a holographic viewpoint; the product’s origins, ingredients, manufacturing processes, and transport packaging are as important as its end-of-life.

Product ingredients and transport packaging are the initial focus areas. As the platform matures, the focus will expand to encompass manufacturing processes, energy consumed, and effluent | vapor by-products released during production within the facility and into the community. With Ei’s zero-waste expertise, transport packaging is a strong first step in the Product Stewardship journey.

For a packaging metamorphosis, the entire supply | value chain must work together on understanding the current scenario, defining regeneration goals, and discovering solutions that make solid business sense for the complete chain. Cross industry sector collaboration is key to an overhaul of packaging standards

At the 2015 Annual Ei Partner Meeting the PetroWax-Free Box Initiative was announced in a presentation by Ei Founder Holly Elmore on behalf of Ei Industry Expert Chemol Company. The ZWA Blog article, Transport Packaging: shifting from trash to valuable material, announces the initiative; to download the PPT presentation visit the Annual Ei Partner Meeting page.

Ei intends to activate the Power of Consumer Demand to affect changes within the manufacturing and packaging processes. Power of Consumer Demand Facts:

  • FACT: Manufacturing companies are in the business of making products consumers, whether corporate or personal, will purchase at a fair market value.
  • FACT: Manufacturers must make a reasonable profit and adapt to shifts in consumer demand to remain a viable business.
  • FACT: The consumer, whether personal or corporate, may use the power of demand and spending dollars to influence items manufactured along with the related packaging and production practices.

Once industry pioneers recognize the power of their consumer demand and voice, integrity will prevail throughout the entire product-life cycle.

As with other Ei Era of Recycling Refinement initiatives, Product Stewardship was moved to the Mission Accomplished website section. In the Era of Impact, Ei will continue to invoke the Power of Consumer Demand within the What We Eat Matters focus area.

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