Welcome to the Ei Newsletter |
With new directions and leadership announced in the Summer Ei Newsletter, Ei was busy this fall welcoming new Ei Strategic Allies, speaking at a sustainability forum, and building the Soil Health platform foundation. Read the below newsletter to learn how Ei lives the tagline: Sustainability in ACTION! Follow the Ei Blogs, The IMPACT and Zero Waste in ACTION (ZWA), to keep current on project status and tales from the journey. In the past weeks, The IMPACT Blog surpassed 140,000 views and the ZWA Blog topped 360,000 views! |
Ga Tech Facilities Sustainability Forum |
On October 24 Georgia Institute of Technology (Ga Tech) hosted the first annual Facilities Sustainability Forum to an enthusiastic audience from the university and beyond.
At the invitation of Ga Tech Associate Director, Office of Solid Waste Management & Recycling Cindy Jackson, Ei Founder Holly Elmore was the forum featured speaker. Within her opening remarks, Holly shared the long-term, powerful Ga Tech | Ei relationship dating back to the Zero Waste Zones launched in 2009.
The ZWA Blog article, Collaboration + Culture = Sustainability Success, is a forum overview featuring the impressive Building Services, Office of Solid Waste & Recycling, and Landscape Services presentations.
…. and read the article to learn about the AMAZING Cindy Jackson pictured above. Photo courtesy of Zero Waste Warrior Scott Lutocka!
Southern Farm & Garden, an agricultural journal |
YAY, Holly is officially a photojournalist! A seven-page, multiple-article feature, An Icon in Sustainability and Hickory Grove Farm: Regenerative Agriculture Revives Soils & Local Ecosystems, in the Southern Farm & Garden fall issue gives an overview of Kennesaw State University’s (KSU) stellar sustainability commitment at the Michael A. Leven School of Culinary Sustainability & Hospitality, The Commons (KSU’s Gold LEED certified dining hall), and Hickory Grove Farm. Holly provided the copy and photographs for the publication feature…. and the Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) | EPA Region 4 farm tour is included in a sidebar along with a photo of GWCC Director of Sustainability Tim Trefzer in the big tunnel greenhouse. Southern Farm & Garden is distributed nationally through Whole Foods and Barnes & Noble; regionally, the magazine is available in premium grocery stores. The fall issue is on the racks NOW! |
Beyond Sustainability: Regenerative Solutions |
Over the past decade, sustainability moved from a buzz word to a movement to a culture within leading communities, universities and businesses. Significant strides were made in zero waste practices, renewable energy technology, and reduced carbon | water footprints. Yet the glaciers continue to melt, the ocean acidification levels are increasing, and desertification is escalating.
A dangerous dilemma is brewing with an increasing global population coupled with a diminishing ability to produce food and significant decreases in atmospheric oxygen.
The ZWA Blog article, Beyond Sustainability: Regenerative Solutions, was inspired by the recently published Kiss the Ground (KTG) book written by Josh Tickell. Well-researched, KTG documents the web of intertwined human activities that set the foundation for the pending crisis.
Importantly, KTG is filled with hope, promise, and regenerative solutions to prevent the pending food and oxygen crisis.
In July 2017 Ei announced a new primary focus: Soil Health: regenerating the foundation of life. The Recycling Refinement platform was moved to the Mission Accomplished website section and new Ei leadership was announced.
To support new directions within Soil Health, Ei welcomes Kiss the Ground, One More Generation and Park Pride to the Ei Strategic Ally Program. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei Welcomes New Strategic Allies, officially welcomes the new allies and gives an overview of their respective organizations.
Ei Leadership Honored at E3 Awards |
At the October 4 Metro Atlanta Chamber 2017 E3 Awards, Ei Strategic Ally Park Pride and Sustainable Facilities Initiative Chair Tim Trefzer were recognized for their exceptional contributions to Atlanta’s economy and the environment. Trident Award Georgia World Congress Center Authority (GWCCA) Sustainability Director Tim Trefzer was the E3 2017 Trident Award recipient. An award designated for an individual, versus an organization, the Trident Award recognizes visionary leaders advancing sustainability in Atlanta. Community Strong Award Park Pride Executive Director Michael Halicki accepted the E3 Community Strong award on behalf of the Proctor Creek North Avenue Study (PNA Study) The Community Strong Award recognizes a nonprofit or university program that promotes collaboration and community involvement in making metro Atlanta more sustainable.
The IMPACT Blog article, Ei Leadership Recognized for Contributions to Atlanta’s Economy & Environment, gives details on the impressive awards.
Congratulations to Tim Trefzer and Park Pride | Michael Halicki on the Metro Atlanta Chamber’s recognition of your valuable contributions to Atlanta’s environment and economy. Ei is honored to partner with you all on many of your important projects.
The Power of Parks | LAI Fall Meeting |
In early October, Park Pride Executive Director Michael Halicki accepted his nomination to Lambda Alpha International (LAI), a prominent land economics honorary, and joins Holly as an active Atlanta Chapter member. At Holly’s invitation, Michael presented at the LAI Atlanta Chapter fall meeting in mid-October hosted by the Piedmont Park Conservancy.
As the meeting keynote speaker, Michael presented on Engaging Communities to Activate the Power of Parks. Instead of a formal PPT presentation, Michael used the Park Pride 2016 Impact Report as his visual tool.
The IMPACT Blog article, The Power of Parks, chronicles public park development and evolution through the three Industrial Revolutions, details the array of values parks bring to communities, introduces Park Pride, and features Michael’s LAI keynote presentation.
Atlanta hosts 2018 U.S. Composting Council Conference |
On January 22 – 25, 2018 Atlanta hosts the 26th Annual U.S. Composting Council (USCC) Conference & Tradeshow at the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel. As a pioneer in the commercial collection of food food waste for compost via the 2009 Zero Waste Zones launch, Atlanta is an ideal host for the empowering conference.
Two good Ei friends are opening & closing plenary keynote speakers: Mercedes-Benz Stadium General Manager Scott Jenkins (opening) and Captain Planet Foundation Chair Laura Turner Seydel (closing).
Ei is a conference media partner and Holly moderates the Ei-hosted Compost’s Empowering Role in Sustainable Soils panel.
The ZWA Blog article, Atlanta Hosts USCC Conference, details Atlanta’s strong influence and support of the stellar conference.
TRUE Zero Waste Certification |
Companies initiate zero programs for a variety of reasons: economic benefits, customer demand, product differentiation, it is “the right thing to do,” to name a few.
On September 7, 2017, the U.S. Green Building Council unveiled TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency), the new brand identity for its zero waste rating system. TRUE helps businesses and facilities define, pursue and achieve their zero waste goals through project certification and professional credentialing.
TRUE ensures integrity is established and maintained via written corporate policies, material management practices, procurement procedures, and effective communication tools. TRUE sets industry standards and establishes integrity within the pathway to a zero waste economy.
The ZWA Blog article, TRUE: setting standards for a zero waste economy, details the certification history from its U.S. Zero Waste Business Council roots and gives a thorough overview of the comprehensive rating system.
With July Ei Soil Health platform announcement, the Ei zero waste | food waste | source-separated materials recycling expertise is available via HEC Zero Waste Consulting.
Support Ei through AmazonSmile!
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop Amazon, with no extra cost to the shopper. With the exact same shopping experience, AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of the purchase price to your charitable organization of choice.
Ei is an AmazonSmile charity! Click HERE to choose Ei as your designated charity & support Ei with no cost to you! |
Join the Ei Team |
Ei’s primary funding is from the corporate community via the Ei Partner | Supporter Programs. Through active participation, Ei Partners work with industry leaders on establishing sustainable business practice standards.
To join the close-knit Ei Team and commit to active participation, contact Holly at holly@earth-impact.org or 404-261-4690.
Follow Ei in Cyberspace |
Ei invites you to join our influential network…
Earthworks for Farm Resilence
December 6 – 10, 2017 San Luis Obispo, CA
The need for people with hands-on skills in landscape restoration and drought-proofing is growing daily around the world.
Join international educator, Warren Brush, with a dynamic teaching team, at the Earthworks for Farm Resilience workshop in San Luis Obispo, California.
Learn about earthworks and hydration strategies for ecological farming, land restoration, water harvesting and earth reparation for agroecosystem stability.
U.S. Composting Council Conference
January 22 – 25, 2018 Atlanta, GA
In a year of rapidly growing composting infrastructure, COMPOST2018, the national gathering of the compost industry, will focus on the expansion of financing and business development, evolving technologies and new collection points such as events venues, with Green Sports Alliance Chair Scott Jenkins as keynote speaker.
The 26th Annual Conference is expected to draw more than 1,000 compost manufacturers, collectors of food scraps and green waste, equipment providers, academics, scientists and compostable products manufacturers.
URBAN FUTURE global conference
February 28 – March 2, 2018 Vienna, Austria
Thank you for your enthusiasm & support! Holly D. Elmore Founder & CEO, Elemental Impact 404-261-4690 holly@earth-impact.org
ZWA Blog The IMPACT Blog
© Elemental Impact, 91 Rumson Rd NE Unit C33, Atlanta, GA 30305 |