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Ei Milestones – RIA Magazine
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- Ei Magazine Milestones
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- A Decade of Impact: History & Background
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- Regeneration in ACTION!
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- Soil Health: regenerating the foundation of life!
- A Circular Economy Approach for Urban Nutrient Cycles
- Carbon Crisis: simply a matter of balance
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- Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources
- Zero Food Waste Journeys: Successes, Challenges & Lessons Learned
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Ei Milestones
Pathways to New Paradigms
In 2010, Earth Impact (formerly Elemental Impact) (Ei) moved from a concept to a national 501(c)(3) non-profit where ACTION is standard-operating practice. Ei paves pathways to new paradigms! Below is a recap of the milestone events, players, and ACTION that makes the vision a reality. Visit the Get Involved page to learn how to join the journey.
- 21 – The RiA Magazine topped 690,000 views; the RiA Magazine, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates recent milestone and escalating readership.
- 18 – Marina A. Olmos joined the Ei Advisory Council; the RiA Magazine article, Welcome Marina A. Olmos to the Ei Advisory Council, welcomes Marina along her impressive credentials.
- 04 – The RiA Magazine article, Regenerative Working Group: growth and evolution, chronicles the RWG formation and history, growth over the years, and the current evolutionary stage.
- 01 – The RiA article, Ei 2024: An Astounding Year, published with a recap of the monumental year.
- 29 – The RiA Magazine topped 690,000 views; the RiA Magazine, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates recent milestone and escalating readership.
- 25 – The IMPACT Magazine topped 250, 000 views.
- 21 – The RiA Magazine article, Asta-Ja: Nepal Vision 2040, published with an overview of the Asta-Ja Framework and a commitment to launch the Ei Asta-Ja Nepal Task Force in early 2025.
- 28 – The RiA Magazine topped 685,000 views; the RiA Magazine, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates recent milestone and escalating readership.
- 21 – LAI FL Suncoast Chapter hosts its first meeting as a chartered chapter; LAI Global VP Craig Binning flew into Sarasota from Toronto for the meeting.
- 14 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends the Annual Climate Adaptation Center Conference focused on climate and health impacts.
- 07 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends the Sustainable Community workshop hosted by Sarasota County and the USF Extension Office.
- 01 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore receives a Certificate of Completion for the KelbyOne VIP program, an intensive professional photography platform.
- 30 – The Ei Fall Newsletter published, the first newsletter from the Earth Impact site.
- 27 – The RiA Magazine topped 680,000 views; the RiA Magazine, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates recent milestone and escalating readership.
- 27 – Durga Poudel, Ph,D, renowned University of Louisiana – Lafayette professor and author, joined the Ei Advisory Council. The RiA article, Welcome Durga Poudel, Ph.D. to the Ei Advisory Council, recaps Durga’s impressive credentials.
- 26 – Ei Advisors Charles Reith and Tim Rumage were featured in Humanity Day’s environmental video series during their virtual event.
- 16 – The Lambda Alpha International Board of Governors unanimously approved the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter; Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore serves as the chapter founding president. The IMPACT article, Announcing the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter, celebrates the chapter charter.
- 09 – Hurricane Milton made landfall on Siesta Key, a Sarasota barrier island, as a Category 3 hurricane. The RiA article, Hurricane Trilogy, chronicles the 2024 season and impacts on the region and the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots.
- 26 – The Lambda Alpha International Executive Committee unanimously approves a resolution to recommend that the Board of Governors approves the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter charter. While on the call, Hurricane Helene’s winds and storm surge arrived in Sarasota.
- 21 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends the 2024 Suncoast Environmental Leadership Brunch.
- 17 – The Holly Elmore Images, A Decade of Impact: Era of Recycling Refinement, is published to replace the Ei FB album created in 2020.
- 16 – The IMPACT Magazine surpassed the 245,000-views milestone.
- 05 – The Holly Elmore Images, A Decade of Impact: Background & History, is published to replace the Ei FB album created in 2020.
- 27 – The domain name is transferred in accordance with the Trademark-Transfer Agreements.
- 25 – The Ei Era of Impact is officially launched via a RiA article of the same name.
- 23 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attended the Wild Hog Management Workshop hosted by the University of Florida Extension Services.
- 11- Earth Impact is officially announced via the website launch and the RiA article, Introducing Earth Impact.
- 11 – The RiA Magazine topped 665,000 views; the RiA Magazine, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates recent milestone and escalating readership.
- 13 – The RiA Magazine topped 660,000 views; the RiA Magazine, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates recent milestone and escalating readership.
- 12 – Funds are received in accordance with the Trademark-Transfer Agreements.
- 11 – The Elemental Impact Trademark-Transfer Agreements are executed.
- 11 – The 2023 Summer Ei Newsletter is the final one from Elemental Impact! In the 2023 Fall Newsletter, Ei will announce the Era of Impact along with a new name and logo for future endeavors.
- 10 – Ignited Word informs Ei that Elemental Impact is a node on the Atlanta Food System Partnership Map; the map serves as a visual representation of the relationships between food system actors in Metro Atlanta.
- 10 – Ei Educates is launched via a RiA article by the same name.
- 14 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore hosted Lakewood Ranch SVP Laura Cole on a Holly SRQ Tour.
- 13 – The LAI FL Suncoast Chapter hosted their third formal meeting at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s downtown Sarasota offices; Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore served as the master of ceremonies; Ei Advisors Tim Rumage and Charles Reith attended the meeting. The IMPACT article, LAI FL Suncoast Pursues Formal Chapter Status, chronicles the excellent meeting and the LAI FL Suncoast synergies within the community; the Holly Elmore Images album, 06-13-24 LAI FL Suncoast Chapter Meeting, gives a pictorial recount of the meeting.
- 13 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore moderates the Lambda Alpha International Global Webinar Introduction to Land & Water Economics. Ei Advisors Stephen Suau and Brad Bass served as webinar panelists. The RiA Magazine article, Introduction to Land and Water Economics, gives an in-depth synopsis of the superb webinar.
- 06 – The RiA Magazine tops 650,000 pageviews; the RiA Magazine, Ei Magazine Milestones, celebrates recent milestone and escalating readership.
- 03 – The IMPACT Magazine tops 240,000 pageviews.
- 20 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore leads her first LAI Global Water-Land Series Group as Co-Chair; the group approved an Introduction to Commercial Ag & Soil Health Land Economics fall global webinar.
- 17 – Ei Advisors Bridgett Luther, Steve Suau, and Tim Rumage join Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore for an Ei Tour of the 4Roots Farm Campus in Orlando. The RiA Magazine article, Ei Tours Resume with 4Roots Farm Campus Tour, published with an overview of the tour; the HEI-photo gallery, 05-17-24 4Roots Farm Campus Tour, gives a pictorial recap.
- 13 – Healing Roots tours the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilot
- 03 – The RiA Magazine tops 640,000 pageviews
- 25 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore treats LAI Global VP to a short version of Holly’s SRQ Tour prior to the LAI FL Suncoast evening meeting.
- 20 – The RiA Magazine tops 640,000 pageviews; the IMPACT Magazine topped 235,000 pageviews.
- 04 – The RiA Magazine tops 635,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 13 – Ei Advisor Tim Rumage, Professor of Environmental Studies at Ringling College of Art & Design, treated Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore to tour of the college campus.
- 22 – The RiA Magazine tops 625,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 14 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore accepts the invitation to served as the Lambda Alpha International Global Water & Land-Use Group Co-Chair.
- 09 – At the invitation of Kim Charick with the EPA, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore joined an empowering three-hour intro meeting and tour of the 4Roots Farm Campus. The RiA article, Life Spirals: long-time friends, new professional horizons, introduces 4Roots and gives an overview of the meeting/tour.
- 06,07,& 08 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attended the U.S. Composting Council Conference hosted in Daytona Beach as a Table2Farms Principal; Holly retained her Ei hat during the conference and reconnected with many friends and colleagues from the Era of Recycling Refinement. The RiA article, Life Spirals: long-time friends, new professional horizons, gives an overview of the reconnections and introduces Table2Farms.
- 05 – Ei celebrates our 14th anniversary and enters the 15th year of making an impact.
- 16 & 17 – For the second consecutive year, Ei Found & CEO Holly Elmore served as the official photographer for the Sarasota Bay Rotary Club District Governor Elect HomeStay Program; the Holly Elmore Images album, 2024 DGE HomeStay Program, chronicles the impressive events.
- 11 – I AM Humanity published Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s 12-minute interview from the October 28 Humanity Day virtual event; the interview is available for viewing at this link. The RiA Magazine article, I AM Humanity, gives an overview of Holly’s interview.
- 07 – The FB group 941 Natural Gardeners hosted an Ei Pilots tour focused on the backyard food forest and the vegetable, herb and edible-flower garden. Nearly 30 intrigued local residents attended the Sunday morning tour. The RiA Magazine article, Local Food Security: building a movement through yard gardens and food forests, introduces the modern-day gardening movement and showcases the well-attended tour.
- 04 – Florida Environmental Film Festival Founder Elizabeth Pickett Gray invited Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore to join the FEFF Advisory Board. The Ria Magazine article, Ei Supports the FEFF, celebrates Holly’s new Advisory Board position.
- 29 – The IMPACT Magazine topped 225,000 pageviews.
- 23 – Ei Advisor Tim Rumage and his family toured the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots hosted at Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s home.
- 23 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore joined Ei Advisor Steve Suau and his brother Anthony Suau, Organic Rising Director and award-winning photojournalist and film maker, for breakfast.
- 18 – At Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s invitation, Ei Advisor Steve Suau hosted Ei Advisor Bridgett Luther, Table2Farms Visionary & CEO, on a tour of the Bliss Property commercial food waste composting systems.
- 14 – Ei Advisor Steve Suau and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore meet at Bliss Property to discuss its economic potential.
- 08 – Amy Kremer and her husband toured the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots to gain inspiration for their yard. Amy is a NewGate Montessori School instructor and her son is in the class that planted the NG Food Forest.
- 5 & 6 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attended the EcoSummit hosted by the Science and Environment Council.
- 29 – Facilitated by Ei, LAI Suncoast Chapter (underdevelopment) member Jon Thaxton shared the pathway to the successful redevelopment of 53 acres of bayside property into The Bay public park on property owned by the City of Sarasota with Ann Bouslog of the LAI Aloha Chapter. The State of Hawaii contracted with Ann’s company to recommend redevelopment of 70+ acres of waterside property; it was an engaging meeting with potential future dialogue and sharing.
- 26 – 28 – Lambda Alpha International (LAI) President Kathy King traveled from Los Angeles and LAI Past President, LAI Fellow, and New Chapter Development Chair Steven R Gragg from El Paso, Texas to support the underdevelopment LAI Suncoast Chapter spearheaded by Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore. Over their three-day Sarasota visit, a total of 13 new LAI members were inducted with several in individual ceremonies. Festivities culminated with an impressive event November 28 attended by 40-plus chapter members as well as potential new members. The RiA article, The Power of LAI comes to Florida, recaps the empowering three days; the Holly Elmore Images album, LAI Suncoast Chapter (underdevelopment) Event, showcases the November 28 event while the LAI Suncoast Tours, Meetings, and Inductions album chronicles the plethora of activities during Steve and Kathy’s three-day Sarasota visit.
- 22 – The RiA Magazine tops 610,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 06 – At Elizabeth Moore’s invitation, Ei Founder & CEO attended the potluck dinner at the Bliss Road property where Sunshine Community Compost brings their commercial food waste for composting.
- 05 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore serves as the official photographer at the Rotary-sponsored What Makes You Healthy Art Awards luncheon.
- 02 – Ei Advisor John McCarthy agreed to accept a Lambda Alpha International-member nomination.
- 18 – The Ei Food Forest was included in a Transition Sarasota Eat Local Week dual for-pay food forest tour. The RiA Magazine article, Food forests transform lawns into lovely, beneficial landscapes, recaps the important role food forests play and showcases the tour.
- 11 – Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilot curator Zach Zildjian spearheaded the NewGate Montessori School food forest planting. The RiA Magazine article, Food Forest: a perfect Montessori school classroom, celebrates the food forest planting; the HEI album, NewGate Food Forest Planting, chronicles the planting day.
- 26 – The RiA Magazine tops 585,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 21 – Ei orchestrated an introductory/strategy call with The Recycling Partnership Chief Innovation Officer Sarah Dearman and Table2Farms leadership team members, Tom Wright and Robert Wright.
- 18 – Lambda Alpha International global leadership committed to formally supporting a Central FL Gulf Coast LAI Chapter in a strategy call.
- 13 – Ei joined an introductory call with CivicWell’s CitySpark program leads on the possibility of launching a CitySpark program in Sarasota. Ei Advisor Bernadette Austin is the CivicWell CEO.
- 11 – The RiA Magazine tops 585,000 pageviews.
- 30 – The RiA Magazine tops 575,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 26 – The RiA Magazine tops 565,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 24 – Ei participated in the Community Composter forum hosted by Ei Strategic Ally Institute for Local Self Reliance to strategize with Table2Farms on how best to raise capital for the industry.
- 19 – Ei hosted an inaugural Zoom meeting with Hot Food, Cool Tunes to strategize on how to proceed with potential invasive species endeavors.
- 12 – At their request, Ei collected and mailed a sample of sargassum (sea weed) from Lido Beach for Mushroom Mountain to use in mycoremediation experiments.
- 20 – Ei hosted the inaugural strategy session for the Table2Farms Scaling Up Composting in Sarasota Pilot in partnership with Ei; Tracie Troxler of Sunshine Community Compost and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attended the meeting.
- 15 – The RiA Magazine tops 555,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 09 – Ei Founder & CEO attends the SEC invitation-only Eco Summit-launch reception.
- 07 – Ei attends the Heritage Harbour Microforest Sign-Unveiling Event as the official photographer; the HEI album, Heritage Harbour Microforest Sign-Unveiling Event, documents the empowering event.
- 04 – The RiA Magazine tops 550,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Regeneration in ACTION tops 550,000 views, celebrates the milestone and recognizes Ei as a valuable industry resource and Ei Founder Holly Elmore as a respected environmental journalist.
- 02 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore met Selby Gardens VP History John McCarthy for an intro meeting at the Spanish Pointe Selby Garden’s campus.
- 25 – At the Temple of Understanding’s Ei orchestrated the Eco Justice for ALL Dialogue, Environmental Stewardship: the business perspective; panelists include Ei Advisors/LAI members Stephanie Barger, Tim Trefzer, and Simon Lamb. Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore moderated the dialogue. The RiA Magazine article, Environmental Stewardship: the business perspective, is an overview of the empowering dialogue.
- 26 – The RiA Magazine tops 445,000 pageviews.
- 06 – Ei introduces Table2Farms Founder Bridgett Luther to The Recycling Partnership Chief Innovation Officer Sarah Dearman.
- 06 – The Temple of Understanding invited Ei to host their May 25 monthly Eco Justice for All Dialogue on the topic, Environmental Stewardship: the business perspective. Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore will moderate and Ei Advisors Simon Lamb, Stephanie Barger, and Tim Trefzer are the speakers.
- 03 – Ei joined a Table2Farms intro call with ReFED associates to discuss the environmental injustice implications related to food-waste-composting facilities and operations.
- 29 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attended the Sarasota Film Festival screening of Unfiltered: the story of oysters as Solutions to Avoid Red Tide guest and photographer.
- 24 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore reconnects with Sarah Dearman, The Recycling Partnership Chief Innovation Officer via the Ei Spring Newsletter; Sarah worked at the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Sustainability Division when the Zero Waste Zones launched in 2009.
- 20 – Ei accepts the invitation to serve as a CarbonShot Advisor.
- 17 – Manatee master gardeners Catherine Rueth and Norma Kisida toured the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscape Pilots.
- 16 – The Ei Spring Newsletter publishes, the first newsletter since Ei moved to Sarasota, FL in 2021; The IMPACT Magazine article, Ei Moves, chronicles the foundation built within Sarasota’s environmental community during Ei’s two-year chrysalis stage.
- 15 – Ei announces the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots via an article with the same name.
- 09 – Ei attends the Tiger Bay monthly lunch re: climate change and sea-level rise.
- 07 – At Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s invitation, Science and Environment Council Co-Executive Director Jennifer Shafer speaks at the weekly Sarasota Bay Rotary Club meeting.
- 28 – Ei Strategic Ally Save our Seabirds contracts with Ei Supporter Lifelines to transform an unsightly drainage ditch into a native-plant-based stormwater-demonstration garden. In May 2022 introduced SOS and Lifelines. The RiA Magazine article, Ei Connections: Save our Seabirds | Lifelines, showcases the Ei Connection as well as the Lifelines drainage-ditch transformation; the Holly Elmore Images album, Save our Seabirds / Lifelines, provides a pictorial recap.
- 25 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends Operation EcoVets Founder Camille Van Sent’s retirement celebration.
- 17 – Ei orchestrates the Lambda Alpha International Global Webinar Coastal Water Quality: Challenges Solutions, and Economic Impact featuring presentations by Sarasota’s Environmental Leadership. The linked article gives an in-depth synopsis of the empowering webinar.
- 16 – Ei joins the Table2Farms call with James Condela, a potential team member.
- 15 – Ei joins the Table2Farms call with ReFED.
- 10 – Ei facilitates the introduction of Ei Advisor Aaron Virgin, Save our Seabirds CEO, and Jake Hartvigsen, WEDU Associate Director of Marketing and Community Partnerships.
- 09 – Ei Founder & CEO presents at the February ECO Democrats Manatee monthly meeting to an enthusiastic audience, in person and online. The RiA Magazine article, Soil & Water The Foundation of Life, recaps the presentation outline with more in-depth information.
- 07 – At Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s invitation, WEDU PBS CEO Paul Grove speaks at the weekly Sarasota Bay Rotary Club meeting.
- 20 – Ei facilitates an intro Zoom call with CompostNOW Co-Founder David Paull and Table2Farm team members Bridgett Luther and Will Dugan.
- 18 – Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian Design Services designs and oversees the 1/2-acre Heritage Harbour Microforest planting of over 2,000 trees with over 100 volunteers from 5-years old to 85-years old. The RiA Magazine article, Urban Afforestation: Food Forests and Microforests, features the microforest planting; the Holly Elmore Images Heritage Harbour Microforest Planting album gives a still-photo documentary of the event.
- 14-18 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends various events at the Rotary 47th Annual Sarasota District Governor-Elect HomeStay Program with Rotarians from across the globe. The Holly Elmore Images album folder, 2023 DGE Sarasota HomeStay Program, documents the events.
- 11 – Ei hosts Operation EcoVets Founder Camille Van Sent for an Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots tour and Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treats.
- 05 – Ei prepares the agenda and led the LAI Coastal Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Challenges Global Webinar logistics call.
- 29 – Ei hosts Sunshine Community Compost Founder Tracie Troxler for an Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots tour and Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treats.
- 16 – Ei joins the weekly Table2Farms team calls.
- 13 – Ei Founder & CEO attends the Sarasota Audubon Society holiday luncheon and meets with Conservation Foundation President Christine Johnson afterwards.
- 12 – Ei attends the EcoVets Farm tour orchestrated by Mary Anne Bowie.
- Various – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore gifts over 50 Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treat Bags to professional associates and friends.
- 30 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore and Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian of Zach Zildjian Design Services co-present on Soil: The Foundation of Life to the Universal Unitarian Green Team. The RiA Magazine article, Soil & Water The Foundation of Life, recaps the presentation outline with more in-depth information.
- 30 – The LAI Global Water Group approves Ei’s proposed Coastal Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact Global Webinar.
- 03 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore and Bridgett Luther reconnect over a Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilot Tour, Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treats, and lunch. Bridgett invites Holly to join the Table2Farms Team.
- 01 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attends the in-person 17th Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop hosted by Sarasota County and the University of Florida IFAS extension office.
- 26 – Ei attends the Transition Sarasota Medicinal and Edible Plants Walk with Bob Linde at Red Bug Slough.
- 21 – Using Hurricane Ian debris, Ei Strategic Ally Zach Zildjian and Deric Harvey construct the Vegetable, Herb, and Edible Flower Garden within the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot. Thanks to a generous donation of a pallet of organic garden soil by Kellogg Garden Products, Zach and Deric prep the soil for planting in two weeks or so.
- 28 – Category 4 Hurricane Ian pummels the Florida Gulf Coast, including Sarasota with 85 mph winds and up to 15 inches of rain. Though electricity was lost for days, Ei’s offices survive without incident; the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscape Pilots are damaged, yet due to plant resilency the landscapes recover reasonably unscathed.
- 23 – Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian, Deric Harvey, and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore prepare soil and plant over 500 seeds for the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot and beyond.
- 20 – Ei hosts a LAI Central FL Gulf Coast Community strategy session.
- 13 – Ei submits a proposal to the LAI Global Group for a Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact Global Webinar featuring Sarasota environmental leaders as panelists.
- 17 – Ei orchestrates microforest tours at Stoneybrooke and The Celery Fields for Jack Merriam and Sheryl Grant.
- 05 – Ei attends the meeting with Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian at NewGate Montessori School to discuss a potential food forest and to present the Zach Zildjian Design Services proposal.
- 04 – Ei orchestrates an intro-coffee meeting with Jack Merriam and Sheryl Grant re: microforest synergies.
- 03 – Ei facilitates an intro meeting for Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian with Jane and Brad Grandbouche at their five-acre property re: potential food forest and general grounds maintenance.
- 25 – Ei orchestrates the Community Day School microforest site visit re: Climate First $10K Grant.
- 05 – Ei reconnects with Abbey Tyrna via Zoom to explore synergies in her new position as Suncoast Waterkeeper Executive Director.
- 01 – Ei hosts a microforest-strategy session with Charles Reith at the Community Day School.
- 29 – Ei joins the Regenerating Earth Connections lunch with Mary Anne Bowie, Jane Grandbouche, and Orla Hazra.
- 23 – Ei hosts a Zoom intro call with Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian and NewGate Montessori School teacher Gillette Cole re: a microforest or food forest on the school’s campus.
- 15 – Zach Zildjian delivers the remaining food forest trees and worked with Dave Malinsky on placing and planting the trees.
- 13 – Ei attends the Colony Cove Microforest Planting Day; the Holly Elmore Images folder, Colony Cove Microforest, includes a series of galleries documenting the event from various perspectives.
- 09 – Ei joins the FLOH event hosted at Mary Anne Bowie’s home.
- 24 – Ei hosts Mollie Holland with the Sarasota County NEST program for an Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots tour.
- 11 – Transition Sarasota Executive Director Joyce Norris tours the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot.
- 11 – Ei hosts Lifelines tour at Pam Callender’s home for Save our Seabirds Aaron Virgin and Charles Reith.
- 04 – Ei hosts a Stoneybrook microforest tour for Save our Seabirds CEO Aaron Virgin; Charles Reith joins the beginning of the tour.
- 04 – Soil preparation, consisting of laying cardboard topped with three-plus inches of mulch, over the food forest-designated area is complete.
- 03 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore introduces colleagues and friends Save our Seabirds (SOS) CEO Aaron Virgin and Lifelines Founder Pam Callender.
- 02 – Ei inaugurates a mentorship program with Zach Zildjian.
- 25 – Ei joins the Climate First discussions re: grant for a microforest.
- 24 – Zach Zildjian delivers the first food forest trees within the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot: trees include Bermuda cherry, fig, loquat, and pomegranate
- 20 – Ei hosts a meeting with SOS CEO Aaron Virgin and Charles Reith to explore the potential for a SURF microforest on SOS’ grounds.
- 05 – Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian takes over design of the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot.
- 24 – Ei | Sarasota Bay Estuary Program intro call; SBEP Executive Director Dave Tomasko agrees to accept Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s Lambda Alpha International At-Large-Member nomination.
- 23 – Ei attends the IDEAS environmental event at the Unitarian Universalist Church.
- 09 – Ei Supporter Pam Callender of Lifelines delivers the native plants for the new perennial-pollinator garden for the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot. The HEI folder, Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot, includes numerous galleries documenting the pilot’s progress and successes.
- 08 – Save our Seabirds CEO Aaron Virgin joins the Ei Advisory Council.
- 06 – Ei joins Tiger Bay Sarasota.
- 04 – Paths are mulched in the previous “wild backyard” and outline the future Food Forest within the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot.
- 10 – A banana-compost circle is added to the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot. Ei Founder & CEO has a zero carbon footprint for her food-waste composting.
- 25 – The invasive carrotwood tree is removed from the south-side yard, clearing the area for the Vegetable, Herb, and Edible-Flower Garden within the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot.
- 20 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends the Science and Environment Council quarterly meeting.
- 15 – Ei attends the planting day for the second Stoneybrook Microforest.
- 12 – FL Environmental Film Festival Founder Elizabeth Pickett Gray tours the Ei Native Plant Landscape Pilot.
- 16 – Kim Charick with the EPA Atlanta office visits Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore in Sarasota.
- 09 – A row of native-blueberry bushes are planted along the roof dripline within the Ei Backyard Permaculture Pilot.
- 07 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore is inducted into the Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay; Charles Reith is Holly’s sponsor; later Holly sponsors Aaron Virgin.
- 03 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore delivers her first professional Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treat Bag in Sarasota to Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast President Christine Johnson. In the meeting, Christine agrees to accept Holly’s LAI-At-Large-Member nomination.
- 29 – Ei hosts City of Sarasota associates along with Charles Reith to assess the possibility of a microforest in Arlington Park.
- 18 & 19 – Ei Supporter Lifelines orchestrates the installation of the Ei Native-Plant-Landscape Pilot in Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s front yard. The Holly Elmore Images album folder Ei Native-Plant-Landscape Pilot includes a series of galleries documenting the landscape installation and beyond.
- 08 – Ei hosts an introductory meeting with Charles Reith and the Community Day School staff via a campus tour.
- 08 – Ei facilitates an introductory Zoom meeting with Ei Advisors Charles Reith, Simon Lamb, and Laura Turner Seydel.
- 01 – City of Sarasota Sustainability Manager Jeff Vredenburg and Ei Founder & CEO introduce each other via a Zoom call.
- 29 – Ei joins the Bobby Jones Golf Course strategy meeting hosted at Kimley-Horns office; other attendees include Tomas Herrera-Mishler, Charles Reith, and Conservation Foundation President Christine Johnson.
- 28 – Pam Callender with Lifelines performs her site visit to prepare the Ei Native Plant Landscape Pilot design and installation proposal.
- 23 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore meets Lifelines Founder Pam Callender at a Florida Native Plant Society event hosted at Pam’s home.
- 20 – Ei Founder & CEO attends her first Science and Environment Council quarterly meeting and meets Save our Seabirds CEO Aaron Virgin, who later joins the Ei Regenerative Working Group Executive Team and serves as an Ei Advisor.
- 18 – Charles Reith facilitates separate introduction meetings for Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore with Ringling School of Art Professor Tim Rumage and Florida Vets for Common Sense Founder & Chair Gene Jones.
- 15 – The Science and Environment Council Board approves Ei’s membership nomination.
- 15 – Gulf Coast Community Foundations SVP Community Investments Jon Thaxton and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore reconnect via a Zoom call.
- 13 – Interim Nathan Benderson Park CEO Stephen Rodrigues and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore meet via a Zoom meeting.
- 12 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore joins the Stoneybrook Microforest site visit and meets Zach Zildjian.
- 07 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore and New College Professor Brad Oberle, Ph.D have their introductory call. Brad performs the soil testing for carbon sequestration at the microforests.
- 29 – Ei shifts banking relationships from Truist to Atlantic Capital.
- 23 – Charles Reith includes Ei Founder & CEO in the Bioretention Charette hosted at the Florida House.
- 22 – Ei facilitates an intro with Charles Reith and John Lieber re: environmental economics.
- 20 – Florida Native Plant Nursery Owner Annie Schiller does a site inspection for the Ei Native-Plant Landscape Pilot design.
- 19 – The RiA Magazine tops 500,000 pageviews.
- 13 – Solutions to Avoid Red Tide Chair Sandy Gilbert and Suncoast Urban ReForesters Founder Charles Reith join the Ei Advisory Council.
- 10 – Solutions to Avoid Red Tide Board member Charles Reith, Nathan Benderson Park CEO Tomas Hererra-Mishler, and Tomas Herrera-Mishler meet for a strategy session.
- 08 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore declares the move from Atlanta to Sarasota complete.
- 24 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore introduces Ei Advisor Simon Lamb to future Ei Advisor Charles Reith.
- 24 – Via Nathan Benderson Park CEO Tomas Hererra-Mishler’s invitation, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends a NBP VIP event.
- 29 – Ei Treasurer Pauline Reynolds treats Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore to a farewell lunch; Holly gifts HJ Treats.
- 26 – Founding Ei Chair Scott Seydel and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore meet at his home for farewells and HJ Treats.
- 20 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore meets Ei Advisor Laura Turner Seydel at the EcoManor for Holly Jolly Treats and Farewell.
- 20 – Ei General Counsel Greg Chafee treats Holly to a farewell dinner; Holly gifts HJ Treats.
- 17 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends the Nathan Benderson Park Microforest soil-prep day. The Holly Elmore Images Nathan Benderson Park folder includes the NBP Microforest gallery that includes a pictorial recap of the soil-prep day.
- 09 – Ei submits the NextGen Phase II $100K grant proposal.
- 07 – Stocking Savvy Founder Sean Patton and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore meet via an intro call.
- 03 – Via Nathan Benderson Park CEO Tomas Hererra-Mishler’s invitation, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends the VIP fireworks event at NBP.
- 01 – Nathan Benderson Park CEO Tomas Hererra-Mishler hosts an intro call for Sarasota County Direcotor of Parks & Recreation Nicole Rissler and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore.
- 29 – Solutions to Avoid Red Tide Chair Sandy Gilbert and Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore strategize on the NextGen $100K grant proposal.
- 28 – Ei Founder & CEO meets with Benderson Development Director of Design Derek Watts via an introduction by Nathan Benderson Park CEO Tomas Herrera-Mishler.
- 28 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore tours the new Community Day School campus to strategize re: rewilding urban landscapes for the NextGen $100K grant.
- 09 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore is treated to a tour of the Operation EcoVets organic urban farm by her high school friend and meets EcoVets Founder Camille Van Sent.
- 07 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore returns to Nathab Benderson Park (NBP) for a meeting with NBP CEO Tomas Herrera-Mishler to discuss available grant funding for rewilding projects at the park. After the meeting, Tomas treats Holly to a quick tour of the current scenario and recent progress. The Holly Elmore Images Nathan Benderson Park folder includes the NBP Urban Carbon Sinks Tour gallery with a pictorial recap of opportunities at the park.
- 20 – The RiA Magazine tops 490,000 pageviews.
- 08 – Ei submits the Urban Rewilding Landscapes Pilot grant proposal for the Ray C. Anderson Foundation 2021 $100,000 NextGen Grant.
- 17 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore attends her first Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay event at Oscar Scherer Park.
- 12 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore meets with fellow Lambda Alpha International member Tomas Herrera-Mishler, Nathan Benderson Park CEO and learns about the microforest initiative. The Holly Elmore Images Nathan Benderson Park folder includes the Inaugural NBP Visit gallery that showcases the first visit.
- 12 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore hosts a microplastics session at the Community Day School in honor of the Ei book “From Nano to Macro to Micro Plastics.” The Holly Elmore Images gallery, CDS Microplastics Project, documents the microplastics session at the school.
- 25 – Decision made for Ei Founder Holly Elmore to return to her hometown Sarasota, FL after residing for 40 years in Atlanta, 37 years in her urban Buckhead condo. Ei’s headquarters will relocate to Sarasota along with Holly.
- 24 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore has an intro call with Professor Doug Tallamy, Ph.D and award-winning author of Nature Knows Best: How Conservation Begin in Your Backyard.
- 27 – The Nature Prevails Action Plan is announced in the RiA Magazine article, Nature Prevails: an action plan.
- 27 – The RiA Magazine tops 475,000 pageviews.
- 06 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore returns to Atlanta after nearly three months caregiving for her elderly mother after a serious car accident.
- 25 – The RiA Magazine topped 475,000 pageviews. The RiA Magazine article, Ei: invigorated impact and influence, celebrates the milestone and chronicles Ei’s evolution from a valuable industry-media resource to photojournalism to respected environmental media.
- 18 – Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore’s elderly mother is in a serious car accident: Holly is called to her hometown, Sarasota, FL, to caregive for her mother.
- 28 – The RiA Magazine topped 470,000 pageviews.
- 26 – The IMPACT Magazine article, Ei Welcomes New Advisors, announces Bernadette Austin, Brad Bass, Mario Cambardella, Simon Lamb, and Ron Thomas joined the Ei Advisory Council to serve as Nature Prevails | Regenerative Working Group Industry Experts.
- 20 – Ei launches the Nature Prevails platform via the RiA Magazine article, Nature Prevails, a new Ei platform.
- 13 – The IMPACT Magazine topped 180,000 page views.
- 03 – Ei submitted an application for the 2020 .ORG Impact Awards in the Environmental Stewardship category.
- 01 – The first Ei Article book, From Macro to Micro to Nanoplastics, an excerpt from the RiA Magazine article, Plastics: a double-edged sword, published and is available for sale in hard-copy or pdf formats at this link:
- 16 – The RiA Magazine topped 465,000 pageviews.
- 20 – Thanks to Ei Advisor Brad Bass’ generosity, University of Toronto-affiliated student Ridhi Gopalakrishnan joins the Ei Team as a summer research intern for a donated five hours per week.
- 22 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore retracted the “gift” of the Global Regenerative Land Economics Initiative from Lambda Alpha International due to unfortunate LAI politics. The GRLEI will be incorporated into Ei’s work within the Nature Prevails, a new platform slated for a fall launch.
- 29 – The RiA Magazine topped 460,000 pageviews.
- 05 – The Ei Urban Carbon Sinks Pilot proposal was selected as a finalist for the Ray C. Anderson Foundation NextGen 2020 grant.
- 29 – The Bigger than US podcast interview with Ei Founder Holly Elmore published. Podcast link:
- 22 – The RiA Magazine topped 455,000 pageviews.
- 20 – Raj Daniels interviewed Ei Founder Holly Elmore for the Bigger than US podcast.
- 20 – Thanks to Ei Advisor Brad Bass’ generosity, University of Toronto student will provide eight hours per week to support the Global Regenerative Land Economics Initiative formation.
- 19 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore updated the LAI International Board of Governors on the Global Regenerative Land Economics Initiative formation status. Holly serves as GRLEI Chair.
- 12 – Ei submitted an Urban Carbon Sinks Pilot proposal for the Ray C. Anderson Foundation NextGen 2020 grants.
- 25 – The RiA Magazine topped 450,000 pageviews.
- 19 – The third & final article in the three-article series celebrating Ei’s Decade of Impact published. The RiA Magazine article, A Decade of Impact: Era of Regeneration, chronicles Ei’s work from June 2017 through current efforts. Within the Soil Health | Regenerative Agriculture and Water Use | Toxicity, Ei Ei segued from national to global impact via speaking engagements, contributions to prominent scoping papers, co-hosting international events, and attending global gatherings as respected media. The Ei FB album, A Decade of Impact: Era of Regeneration, gives a pictorial recount of the activities documented in this article.
- 15 – Ei Advisor Wayne King agreed to join the LAI GRLEI as an Industry Expert.
- 13 – Ei Advisor Britt Faucette agreed to join the LAI GRLEI as an Industry Expert.
- 06 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore hosted the first official LAI GRLEI virtual meeting aopen to LAI members.
- 20 – Ei hosted the first GRLEI Social Equity Focus Area call. Ei Founder Holly Elmore and Ei Regeneration in ACTION Chair Tim Trefzer participated in the call.
- 16 – UC Davis Center for Regional Change Acting Director Bernadette Austin agrees to serve as the GRLEI Focus Area Lead and work closely with Ei Founder Holly Elmore on the Initiative’s formation.
- 05 – The first LAI Global Regenerative Land Economics Initiative formation call was hosted by Ei Founder Holly Elmore.
- 28 – The second article in the three-article series celebrating Ei’s Decade of Impact published. The RiA Magazine article, A Decade of Impact: Era of Recycling Refinement, chronicles Ei’s important work from inception on February 5, 2010 through June 2017. Beyond the Zero Waste Zones, the article showcases the Sustainable Food Court Initiative, Plastic-Film Recycling, Post-Consumer Food Waste, Ei-Host Hosted Panels and other significant successes and accomplishments. The Ei FB album, A Decade of Impact: Era of Recycling Refinement, gives a pictorial recount of the activities documented in this article.
- 19 – The first article in the three-article series celebrating Ei’s Decade of Impact published. The RiA Magazine article, A Decade of Impact: History & Background, chronicles the profound work accomplished during the Green Foodservice Alliance (GFA) reign (2008 – 2009) that laid a powerful foundation for Ei’s 2010 formation. Ei Founder Holly Elmore founded the GFA in 2008 within the Georgia Restaurant Association umbrella. The Ei FB album, A Decade of Impact: history & background, gives a pictorial recount of the empowering GFA work and events that built a solid foundation for Ei’s formation.
- 05 – Ei celebrates the ten-year anniversary of formation as a national non-profit and home to the Zero Waste Zones.
- 02 – The RiA Magazine topped 440,000 pageviews.
- 19 – The IMPACT Magazine article, Ei 2019: A Year of Empowerment, published with a synopsis of the 2019’s empowering activities.
- 04 – Along with Feed & Seed Chair Mary Hipp, Ei Founder Holly Elmore met with Spartanburg County School District Six Superintendent Darryl Owings to discuss a spring visit to explore opportunities to work with the EPA R4. … and Darryl and Mary were recipients of a Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treat Bag.
- 03 & 05 – At the invitation of Professor Christophe Darnault, Ei Founder Holly Elmore judged the Clemson Biosystems-Engineering Capstone-Design Projects Final Presentations.
- 01 -31 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore delivered nearly 100 Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treat Bags to Ei friends and colleagues. The IMPACT Magazine article, Holly Jolly Sweet ‘n Savory Treat Bags: Inspiration to live from the Heart, chronicles the HJ Treats three-decade history along with the underlying heart intentions within the gift.
- 01 – The RiA Magazine topped 435,000 pageviews.
- 21 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended the 2019 GreenBuild Conference hosted at the Georgia World Congress Center with official press credentials. Regeneration in ACTION Chair Tim Trefzer acccompanied Holly on the zero-waste practices in place to meet the TRUE zero-waste event certification.
- 08 & 09 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended the LAI Austin Land Economics Weekend. The IMPACT Magazine article, Austin: growth through redevelopment, showcases the empowering weekend. The Ei FB album, Austin Land Economics Weekend, is a pictorial recount of LEW activities through Holly’s lens.
- 08 – U.S. Green Building Council annual 2019 GreenBuild hosted at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta November 19 – 22 issued Ei Founder Holly Elmore official press credentials.
- 07 – At the Lambda Alpha International Board of Governors Meeting Ei Founder Holly Elmore’s Assistant Global Scribe position was approved for a two-year term.
- 05 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore submitted her fist formal Clemson Bioengineering Capstone Design Project midterm-paper evaluations at the invitation of Professor Christophe Darnault.
- 25 – Ga Tech hosted Cindy Jackson’s Retirement Celebration to commemorate Cindy’s 22 years as Director of Waste & Recycling. Ei Founder was one of two speakers in the formal program. The RiA Magazine article, The Legacy of the AMAZING Cindy Jackson, published with an overview of Cindy’s literally amazing professional accomplishments and ends with the Oct 25 retirement celebration. The Ei FB album, Cindy Jackson Retires, gives a pictorial recap of GA Tech | Ei interactions as well as images from the retirement celebration. Holly’s PPT presentation is available for download on the Ei Speaking Engagements page.
- 25 – The RiA Magazine topped 430,000 views.
- 13 – After ten days of research and writing, the RiA Magazine article, Plastics: a double-edged sword, published with an indepth overview of plastics history |development and how in a mere 70 years humans infiltrated every nook & cranny of the Earth with micro and nanoplastics.
- 01 – State Farm Arena – Levy Restaurants placed the first Green Planet Straw product order within the Three-Step Straw Initiative.
- 24 – State Farm Arena – Levy Restaurants placed the first Geeen Planet Straws order with Imperial Dade.
- 09 – 16 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore hosted a series of Three-Step Straw Initiative follow-up meetings in Orlando and Miami including the Orange County Convention Center, Amway Center, and Imperial Dade.
- 03 – The RiA Magazine surpassed the 425,000 pageviews milestone.
- 20 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore reconnected with University of Georgia professors and soils scientists over lunch at the Griffin UGA campus.
- 15 & 16 – In Columbia, SC, Ei Founder reconnected with City of Columbia Director of Sustanability Mary Pat Baldauf and SC Restaurant & Lodging Association VP Doug Oflaherty. Ei Strategic Ally Feed & Seed Chair Mary Hipp hosted a two-hour intro meeting with the SC Department of Education Director of Health and Nutrition Ron Jones.
- 14 – Spartanburg County School District Six hosted Ei Founder Holly Elmore at the Farm at Cragmoor for farm and school-campus photo shoot.
- 13 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore met with Centerplate Corporate Director of Purchasing John Johnston for a Three-Step Straw Initiative & Ei intro meeting.
- 10 – The IMPACT Magazine surpassed 165,000 pageviews.
- 31 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore met with Imperial Dade Corporate Sales Director Carmen Casabielle about distributing Green Planet Straws and supporting the TSSI.
- 29 & 30 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore visited Orlando for a two-day Three-Step Straw Initiative meeting series with Amway Center – Levy Restaurants, Darden Restaurants, Orange County Convention Center, and OCCC – Centerplate. In addition, Holly met with City of Orlando Director of Sustainability & Resilience Chris Castro for a strategy session.
- 09 – The RiA Magazine surpassed 420,000 pageviews.
- 17 – Ei orchestrated introductions for long-time comrade in sustainability Georgia Tech to Kennesaw State University (KSU) Hickory Grove Farm and KSU Dining Services. The RiA Magazine article, Success is not static: evolution is required to create and sustain regeneration, gives an overview of the empowering tour and meeting. An Ei FB album, Ei Connects, section is a pictorial recap of the meeting and tour from an Ei-Connects perspective; a Holly Elmore Images FB album, KSU Hickory Grove Farm, section includes images from Holly’s pre-tour photo shoot as well as tour images.
- 15 – Ei Strategic Ally Feed & Seed hosted Ei Founder Holly at an introductory meeting with Greenville County Schools Food & Nutrition Services to learn about their impressive healthy-food school-lunch program. Following the meeting, the group toured a middle school and enjoyed an amazing lunch. The RiA Magazine article, #schoolfoodROCKS: indeed school food does rock in Greenville County, SC, articulates the evolution of the incredible healthy-food school program. A section in the Holly Elmore Images FB album, Greenville, SC, gives a pictorial recap of the GSC FANS’ cafeteria tour and lunch.
- 14 – Ei Founder met with Clemson University Professor Christophe Darnault regarding potential research on the impact of nanoplastics on the soil ecosystem and plants.
- 14 – Ei Strategic Ally Feed & Seed hosted Ei on a meeting and tour of the Spartanburg County School District Six healthy-food school program and the SCSD6 Farm @ Cragmoor Farm. The RiA Magazine article, Spartanburg County School District Six: a culture of EXCELLENCE!, showcases the community spirit, collaborative effort and investments that resulted in the SCSD6 evolving from the development to the operational stage. The Ei FB album, Spartanburg County School District Six, is a pictorial recap of the SCSD6 Farm at Cragmoor tour.
- 09 – Ei orchestrated sustainability tours of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium and Georgia World Congress Center Authority for Pattie Baker, alias “Sustainable Pattie.” The tours were research for Pattie’s recently announced Sustainability-in-Action bicycle tours in partnership with Bicycle Tours of Atlanta. The RiA Magazine article, Sustainability in ACTION garners a new life, at the speed of bike, gives an overview of the tours. An Ei Connects FB album section includes a pictorial recap of the Sustainability in Action Bicycle Tours.
- 02 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore joins the Lambda Alpha International Global Executive Committee as Assistant Scribe.
- 01 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended the Lambda Alpha International Rio Piedras Professional Advisory Delegation (PAD) hosted in partnership with the Fideicomiso para el Desarrollo de Río Piedras (FDRP). The RiA Magazine article, Rio Piedras: revitalizing beyond their wildest dreams, published as an overview of the Rio Piedras PAD. The Ei FB album, Rio Piedras Professional Advisory Delegation, is a pictorial recap of the walking tours and the formal PAD session.
- 20 – Ei Strategic Ally One More Generation Co-Founders Carter & Oliva Ries joined the Ei Advisory Council as Youth Advisors; Ei Founder Holly Elmore joined OMG Advsiory Board as the Soil & Water Advocate. The RiA Magazine article, Elemental Impact & One More Generation Partner to Build Straw Integrity, announces the Ei | OMG partnership.
- 12 – The RiA Magazine topped 415,000 pageviews.
- 18 – The refreshed Ei website announcement is a final farewell to the Era of Recycling Refinement and a cheerful welcome to the Ei Era of Regeneration. The RiA article, a farewell to recycling refinement | a welcome to regeneration | a website relaunch, announces the refreshed Ei site.
- 18 – Ei Supporter Affairs to Remember was the FIRST pioneer to say YES to the Three-Step Straw Initiative!
- 13 – The Three-Straw Initiative, the first initiative within the Ei Era of Regeneration, was announced in the RiA Magazine article, Three Steps to Straw Integrity.
- 12 – Green Planet Straws joins the Ei Partner program as the first partner in the Ei Era of Regeneration.
- 10 – The IMPACT Blog topped 160,000 pageviews.
- 26 – CompostNow Co-Founder David Paull hosted Ei Founding Chair Scott Seydel and Ei Founder Holly Elmore on a tour of their impressive windrow food-waste composting operations at the King of Crops Farm. The Ei FB album, Ei Connects, includes a tour pictorial recap in the final section.
- 20 – The RiA Magazine topped 410,000 pageviews.
- 10 – Ten years ago the Zero Waste Zones launched at the acclaimed press conference hosted at the Georgia World Congress Center and opened by EPA Region 4 Acting Administrator Stan Meiburg. The RiA Magazine article, Zero Waste Zones Launch Ten-Year Anniversary, announces the monumental anniversary and gives an overview of the groundbreaking program.
- 05 – Ei celebrates her 9th anniversary. The IMPACT Magazine article, Happy 9th Birthday, Ei! celebrates the anniversary with a review of 2018: Year of Regeneration
- 15 – The Ei website relaunched with a refreshed look and updated navigation. Pages related to the Ei Era of Recycling Refinement moved to the Mission Accomplished! section.
- 15 – The IMPACT Magazine topped 155,000 views.
- 22 – 10 & 11 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended The Savory Institute Network Reunion as an SI guest. On Saturday, Holly represented Ei while on Sunday she wore a dual Ei | media hat. The RiA Magazine, Regenerating a Bright Future for Planet Earth, chronicles the empowering two-day event.
- 30 – The World Chefs Association Feed the Planet program joined the Ei Strategic Ally program. The RiA Magazine article, Elemental Impact | WorldChefs Collaborate on Global Food Waste Challenge, announces the collaboration and gives the history of the long-term relationship.
- 22 – The RiA Blog topped 400,000 pageviews.
- 16 – Ei orchestrated the first Ei Exploration: an exploration of fungi, soil health and world hunger in partnership with Ei Strategic Alley Feed & Seed in the Upstate SC. The RiA Blog article, An Exploration of Fungi, Soil Health, & World Hunger, chronicles the empowering event; the Ei FB album, An Exploration of Fungi, Soil Health & World Hunger, gives a pictorial recap.
- 18 – Ei cohosted the POCACITO From Circular Economy to Circular Society Town Hall Meeting. Funded by the European Union, the Ecologic Institute (EIUS) orchestrates POCACITO delegations of European industry leaders on visits to select U.S. cities. The RiA Blog article, From a Circular Economy to a Circular Society, gives an overview of the powerful Atlanta POCACITO visit. The final section of the Ei FB album, Ei Connects, gives a pictorial recap ot the visit.
- 10 – The RiA Blog topped 395,000 pageviews. The RiA Blog article, New Era, New Name: Regeneration in ACTION, celebrates the milestone and announces the blog name evolved to Regeneration in ACTION!
- 24 – Ei formerly endorsed the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastic Society Global Commitment.
- 14 – The Ei Digital Books launched in partnership with Holly Elmore Enterprises‘ Fingertip Press and Holly Elmore Images. Created and published by Ei Partner Nancy Suttles, the digital books augment Ei’s profound work within the Soil Health and Water Use | Toxicity platforms. The RiA Blog article, Ei Digital Books: an integration of art and impact, announces the Ei Digital Book series.
- 05 – The IMPACT Blog topped 150,000 pageviews.
- 26 – Ei Strategic Ally Mike McGirr with Feed & Seed orchestrated a series of farm tours in the South Upstate.
- 24 & 25 – The Ei Conscious Cleaning Initiative Team traveled to Charlotte to introduce the Ei CCI to Charlotte-based Ei Pioneers.
- 13 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore presented on The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction within the Feed the Planet session at the 2018 WorldChefs Congress & Expo in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A comprehensive Feed the Planet PPT presentation, as well as the solo The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction presentation, are available for download on the Ei Speaking Engagement page. The RiA Blog article, Feed the Planet: an empowering WorldChefs’ initiative, gives an overview of the session presentations; The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction article showcases the case studies within the presentation. The Holly Elmore Images FB album, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia July 2018 Visit, includes a section on the 2018 WorldChefs Congress & Expo along with sections on Holly’s guided and self-guided KL tours.
- 5 -The RiA Blog topped 390,000 pageviews. The RiA Blog article, New Era, New Name: Regeneration in ACTION, celebrates the milestone and announces the blog name evolved to Regeneration in ACTION!
- 26 – Ei hosted Ei Pioneer Affairs to Remember on a tour at CompostNOW’s commercial compost operations at the King of Crops Farm. Photos from the impressive farm and composting site tour are included in the Ei FB album, Ei Connects.
- 18 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog name officially evolved into the Regeneration in ACTION Blog. The RA Blog article, New Era, New Name: Regeneration in ACTION, announces the new name, details the blog stats, and gives an Ei update.
- 13 – The first Ei Conscious Cleaning Initiative proposals were submitted by Ei Partner SouthEast Link to Ei Industry Pioneers Ted’s Montana Grill and Affairs to Remember.
- 13 – The RiA Blog topped 385,000 pageviews. The RiA Blog article, New Era, New Name: Regeneration in ACTION, celebrates the milestone and announces the blog name evolved to Regeneration in ACTION!
- 06 – The Ei Team hosted the first Conscious Cleaning Initiative demo meeting at Ted’s Montana Grill. Photos from the monumental meeting are in a section in the Ei Conscious Cleaning Initiative FB album.
- 04 – The ZWA Blog topped 380,000 pageviews.
- 02 -The Spring 2018 Southern Farm & Garden magazine issue features Ei Founder Holly Elmore’s garden image as the wrap cover. In addition, the six-page article, Restoring Pollinator Populations, was researched, written and photographed by Holly. Ei Strategic Ally Park Pride’s Pollinators in Parks program is featured in the article.
- 26 – 29 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore represented the Lambda Alpha International Atlanta Chapter at the Baltimore Land Economics Weekend, including the LAI President’s Roundtable & Board of Governance meetings.
- 23 & 24 – Ei Strategic Ally The Institute for Local Self-Reliance traveled to Atlanta for two days of tours to develop community composting best practices. The Atlanta visit was funded within an EPA Region 4 grant. Ei Founder Holly Elmore orchestrated two tours at Piedmont Park with Piedmont Park Conservancy staff and Board Member Ken Haldin. The Ei FB album, Ei Connects, includes a section with a pictorial overview of the tours.
- 15 – The Spring 2018 Southern Farm & Garden magazine issue features Ei Founder Holly Elmore’s garden image as the wrap cover. In addition, the six-page article, Restoring Pollinator Populations, was researched, written and photographed by Holly. Ei Strategic Ally Park Pride’s Pollinators in Parks program is featured in the article. The pdf book SF&G Restoring Pollinator Populations showcases the article and images; it is best viewed full-screen.
- 10 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended the Finding the Flint Working Group meeting hosted at the Atlanta Airport. The ZWA Blog article, The Flint River: a river ready to regenerate, gives a synopsis of the current challenges facing the Flint River headwaters and sets the foundation for Ei work related to the Flint River within the Soil Health platform.
- 09 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed 145,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 23 – Ei hosted an introduced KSU Hickory Grove Farm folks to Stacy Funderburke with The Conservation Fund via a farm tour. The Holly Elmore Images FB album, KSU Leven School of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality, includes a section on the introductory tour. The Ei FB album, Ei Connects, includes a section with a pictorial overview of the tours.
17 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore and Ei Advisor Boyd Leake attended the Park Pride Finding the Flint Tour hosted by American Rivers. The ZWA Blog article, The Flint River: a river ready to regenerate, gives a synopsis of the current challenges facing the Flint River headwaters along with a tour overview.
11 – The ZWA Blog topped 375,000 pageviews.
06 – Ga Tech hosted the Ei Conscious Cleaning Demo & Tour to a prominent audience of facility managers. The ZWA Blog article, The Evolution of Standard Cleaning Practices, introduces conscious cleaning and gives an overview of the impressive demo & tour.
- 19 – To align with the Soil Health, regenerating the foundation of life, primary focus, the Ei tagline evolved to Regeneration in ACTION. The ZWA Blog article, Regeneration in ACTION, announces the renewed tagline.
- 17 – The Sustainable Facilities Initiative is officially announced in the ZWA Blog article, Ei announces the Sustainable Facilities Initiative.
- 14 – Ei Partner SouthEast LINK hosted Ei Founder Holly Elmore and the Georgia World Congress Center Authority team at Cobb County Schools to tour the ECA cleaning system used at the school. The tour was the first step in the Conscious Cleaning platform staged for a spring launch.
- 05 – Ei celebrates the completion of eight years of living the tagline, Sustainability in ACTION! The IMPACT Blog article, Happy 8th Birthday, Ei!, celebrates the anniversary with an overview of 2017: Year of Shifting Gears.
- 23 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Ei-hosted U.S. Composting Council Conference panel, Compost’s Empowering Role in Sustainable Soils with a stellar panel of industry experts and icons. The PPT presentations as there available for download on the Ei-Hosted Conference Panels page. The ZWA Blog article, GAME WON: 2018 composting conference breaks records, features the panel.
- 22 – Ei hosted Ei Strategic Ally Kiss the Ground Co-Founder Finian Makepeace on a whirlwind series of powerful Atlanta meetings including Georgia Tech, Georgia World Congress Center and the Atlanta Airport. The ZWA Blog article, Regeneration in ACTION, chronicles the powerful meetings.
- 21 -The ZWA Blog surpassed 370,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 07 – Ei Founder interviews Park Pride Visioning Coordinator Teri Nye for a Southern Farm & Garden article featuring Park Pride’s pollinator garden program. A week later Holly returned for a more substantial photo shoot.
- 27 – The November Ga Tech Recycling Buzz newsletter‘s lead article featured the October 24 Facilities Sustainability Form with a link to the ZWA, Blog article, Collaboration + Culture = Sustainability Success, as a forum overview. Ei Founder Holly Elmore was the forum’s featured speaker.
- 02 -The IMPACT Blog surpassed 140,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 24 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore was the Featured Speaker at the Georgia Tech first annual Facilities Sustainability Forum. The ZWA Blog article, Collaboration + Culture = Sustainability Success, is a synopsis of the impressive forum. Holly’s PPT presentation as well the combined PPT all speakers is available for download on the Speaking Engagements page.
- 22 -The ZWA Blog surpassed 360,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 14 – The Southern Farm & Garden fall issue includes a seven-page feature article on Kennesaw State University’s sustainability commitment and the regenerative agriculture practices at their Hickory Grove Farm. The article is written by Ei Founder Holly Elmore and features her photography.
- 10 – YES! Magazine’s fall issue includes a full-page Founder’s Circle ad featuring Ei Founder Holly Elmore.
- 22 – Ei Environmental Advisor Laura Turner Seydel hosted a Sustainable Soils Luncheon at her home featuring Kathy Kellogg of Kellogg Garden Products, the “force” behind The Compost Story video produced by Kiss the Ground. At Laura’s request, Ei Founder Holly Elmore introduced Laura & Kathy in the spring and attended the luncheon.
- 31 – Ei hosted the Georgia World Congress Center Team – Director of Sustainability, Executive Chef & Grounds Maintenance Manager – on a KSU Hickory Grove Farm tour to educate on regenerative farming practices. The ZWA Blog article, The Power of Tours, features the July Hickory Grove Farm tour; farm tour photos are included in the Holly Elmore Images FB album, KSU Leven School of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality.
- 26, 27 & 28 – Ei hosted U.S. Green Building Council Global Zero Waste Director Stephanie Barger on a whirlwind zero waste visit with Atlanta’s sustainability leadership.The ZWA Blog article, Building a Zero Waste Economy, one step, one city at a time, is an overview of the powerful Atlanta USGBC meeting series.
- 26 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore presented on Recycling Refinement, moving beyond landfill diversion, as part of the U.S. Green Building Council’s two-hour zero waste education at The Epsten Group offices.
- 17 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 350,000 pageviews and The IMPACT Blog surpassed 135,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 16 – The ZWA Blog article, Soil Health: regenerating the foundation of life, announces the new Ei Soil Health platform.
- 05 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore returns to Kennesaw State University to interview Leven School of Culinary Sustainability & Hospitality Director Christian Hardigree for a Southern Farm & Garden fall issue feature. Photos from the interview are featured in the Holly Elmore Images FB album, KSU Leven School of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality.
- 21 – The Ei Soil Health platform is introduced via the new website section.
- 07 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore returned to Hickory Grove Farm for a photo shoot. The Holly Elmore Images FB album, KSU Leven School of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality , is a pictorial recap of regenerative farming in action.
- 01 – Ei orchestrated a tour of the Kennesaw State University Hickory Grove Farm for the Georgia World Congress Center and EPA Region 4. The ZWA Blog article, The Power of Tours, features the July Hickory Grove Farm tour; farm tour photos are included in the Holly Elmore Images FB album, KSU Leven School of Culinary Sustainability and Hospitality.
- 23 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 345,000 pageviews and The IMPACT Blog surpassed 135,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 08 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 340,000 pageviews.
- 02 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed 130,000 pageviews.
- 19 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 335,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 10 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed 125,000 pageviews.
- 30 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 330,000 pageviews.
- 28 – The Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) issued the Urban Biocycles scoping paper to a global audience. Ei Founder Holly Elmore | Ei and Ei Strategic Ally Brenda Platt | Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR) are listed as Expert Input and Case Study Contributors. Ei introduced EMF to the ILSR. The ZWA Blog article, A Circular Economy Approach to Urban Nutrient Cycles, introduces the important EMF scoping paper.
- 15 – The combined ZWZ Blog and the IMPACT Blog surpassed 450,000 pageviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 08 -The ZWA Blog surpassed 325,000 pageviews.
- 05 -The IMPACT Blog surpassed 120,000 pageviews.
- 16 – The ZWZ Blog surpassed 320,000 pagviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 13 – The ZWA Blog article, Carbon Crisis: simply a matter of balance, published as the foundation for the new Ei Carbon Sequestration focus within the Recycling Refinement platform.
- 08 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed 115,000 pagviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 27 – The ZWZ Blog surpassed 315,000 pagviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 24 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore joined the LAI Atlanta Chapter Board of Directors.
- 11 – The ZWZ Blog surpassed 310,000 pagviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 29 -.The IMPACT Blog surpassed 105,000 pagviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 27 – The ZWZ Blog surpassed 305,000 pagviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 15 – The ZWZ Blog surpassed 300,000 pagviews. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: Respected Journalism, chronicles 2016 events validating Ei as a respected industry journalist.
- 12 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed 100,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 08 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated and co-presented the powerful Recycling: The Business Case webinar with Container Recycling Institute President Susan Collins. The webinar explained the current scenario, how we got here, and effective paths to recycling PROFIT centers. Webinar PPT presentations are available for download on the Ei Speaking Engagements page. The ZWA Blog article, Recycling: The Business Case, recaps the powerful, informative webinar.
- 08 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 295,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 28 -The ZWA Blog surpassed 290,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 22 -The IMPACT Blog surpassed 95,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 17 – Ei Partners travel from across the nation to attend the Annual Ei Partner Meeting. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei 2016: A Year of Recognition, is a synopsis of the powerful meeting presentations while the Ei FB album, 2016 Annual Ei Partner Meeting. is a pictorial recap. PPT presentations are available for download on the Ei Annual Meetings page.
- 16 – Ei Partner NatureWorks published two case studies on the Ei 2015 Zero Food Waste Journeys: RayDay Embraces Path to Waste Reduction & Proven Steps Culminate Into Waste Reduction Success. The ZWA Blog article, NatureWorks publishes zero food waste case studies, announces the case studies’ publication.
- 15 -The ZWA Blog surpassed 285,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 14 – The Comparative Case Study: Plastic Film Recycling at Two Simon Malls prepared by Ei on behalf of the Wrap Recycling Action Program (WRAP – an American Chemistry Council Plastic Film Recycling Group program) was officially released. The ZWA Blog article, Comparative Case Study: Plastic Film Recycling at Two Simon Malls, announces the case study release along with an overview of the plastic film recycling program development.
- 06 – The ZWA Blog article, A Recycling or Contamination Crisis? an article series, introduces the article series.
- 03 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore was invited to join the U.S. State Departments’ COP22 press preview call. New York Times, Wall Street and other prominent journalists were included in the press call.
- 31 – The ZWA Blog article Reduce First, Donate Second, Compost Third surpassed 13,000 views. By far the most popular article with the next highest article views at over 6,000 views.
- 30 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 280,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 24 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed 90,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 14 -The ZWA Blog surpassed 275,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics
- 10 -The October 2016 Inside Supply Management front cover article, Full Circle: Supply management can play a key role in the circular economy, working with suppliers to eliminate waste and drive financial value, features quotes by Ei Founder Holly Elmore. The ZWA Blog article, Zero waste moves from “best” to standard operating practices, gives an overview of the excellent article along with the commentary on the zero waste industry evolution.
- 06 – Pallet Central, the official magazine of the National Wooden Pallet & Container Association, published Zero Waste Makes Good Business & Environmental Sense as the lead feature in the September | October issue. Ei Founder Holly Elmore wrote the article on behalf of the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council.The ZWA Blog article, Zero waste moves from “best” to standard operating practices, gives an overview of the important article along with the commentary on the zero waste industry evolution.
- 05 – The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council (USZWBC) formally joined forces to advance zero waste business practices. As the USZWBC Official Media Partner, Ei published the ZWA Blog article, USGBC Empowers Zero Waste Industry: USGBC & USZWBC join forces, announcing the monumental industry milestone.
- 27 – Double Milestone: the ZWA Blog surpassed 270,000 pageviews and the IMPACT Blog topped 85.000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics
- 22 -24 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore represented the Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Atlanta Chapter at the LAI Executive Committee Meetings and the Toronto Land Economics Weekend. The IMPACT Blog article, Toronto: crafting a livable city amidst staggering population shifts and growth, gives a LEW overview; the Ei FB album, Toronto Land Economics Weekend, is a pictorial recount.
- 06 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 265,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics
- 02 – New Ei Strategic Ally Recycle Across America visited Atlanta for a powerful meeting series including an Atlanta Recycles, City of Atlanta Office of Sustainability, Atlanta Airport, Coca-Cola and lunch with Ei Founder Holly Elmore.
- 25 – Ei submitted the Comparative Case Study: Plastic Film Recycling at Two Simon Malls final draft to the American Chemistry Council (ACC). The case study is prepared by Ei on behalf of the ACC.
- 19 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 255,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics
- 14 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed the 80,000 pageviews milestone. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 27 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 255,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics
- 24 – The Sustainability of the Spirit Blog was launched as a cousin blog to the Ei Blogs.
- 03 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Ei-hosted NZWBC The Macro Cost of Micro Contamination panel. The ZWA blog article, The Macro Cost of Micro Contamination, gives a synopsis of the powerful panel.
- 02 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Ei-hosted NZWBC Food Waste Composting: Challenges, Lessons Learned & Successes panel. The panel is featured in the below reference ZWA Blog article.
- 01-03 – Ei served as The National Zero Waste Business Conference Official Media Partner for the third consecutive year. The ZWA Blog article, A “Tuned In” Industry Catches a Vibrant Zero Waste Beat, is a conference overview while the Ei FB album, 2016 National Zero Waste Business Conference, is a pictorial recount. The NZWBC page chronicles Ei’s conference media & participation from inception through the 2016 Fifth Annual NZWBC.
- 22 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended The National Restaurant Show in Chicago, an annual tradition since Ei’s 2010 inception.
- 07 – The ZWA Blog surpassed 250,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 21- 23 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore represented the Atlanta Lambda Alpha International Chapter at the Memphis Land Economics Weekend (LEW). The IMPACT Blog article, Memphis: an amazing city redefining itself, chronicles the Memphis LEW along with anecdotes on the prominent historic landmarks toured. In addition, the Ei FB album, Memphis Land Economics Weekend, gives a pictorial recap of the powerful weekend.
- 21- The Ei Spring Newsletter send was the first on the new responsive template, part of the Ei site relaunch.
- 20 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore spoke at the Emory University Planet, People, Profits: A Conference on Business and the Environment on the Innovative Practices in Corporate Environmental Sustainability panel.
- 14- The new Ei website officially launched when The IMPACT Blog article, Ei: New Website, New Era!, published with an overview of the site.
- 07 – The ZWA Blog topped 245,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation, and details interesting reader analytics.
- 31 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore gave a 60-minute lecture to the GA Tech Supply Chain Modeling class on the Supply Chain’s Role in Zero Waste to attentive, enthusiastic students. Holly’s PPT presentation is available for download on the Speaking Engagements page. The ZWA Blog article, The Zero Waste Journey: Supply | Value Chain, WE Consciousness & Power of Consumer Demand are Integral to Success, is an overview of Holly’s lecture along with in-depth copy on discussed concepts.
- 16 – Ei | Green Seal formalize their partnership with an executed Memorandum of Understanding.
- 02 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore & Ei Chair Scott Seydel attended the Georgia Organics Waste Reduction & Recycling Stakeholders Meeting hosted by the City of Atlanta, Georgia Recycling Coalition and Atlanta Recycles.
- 01 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore spoke at the Georgia Tech Engineers for a Sustainable Future student group meeting. The IMPACT Blog article, Sustainability of the Spirit, is an overview of Holly’s informal talk.
- 23 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended her first Atlanta Better Building Challenge Steering Committee meeting.
- 22 – Ei introduced Strategic Ally Second Helpings to City of Atlanta Zero Waste Manager Boyd Leake at a lunch meeting; Kim Charick with EPA Region 4 joined the productive lunch meeting.
- 18 – Ei hosted Green Seal President & CEO Arthur Weissman for a series of Green Seal Certification introductory meetings. The meetings were the first action step in the Ei | GS Atlanta Hospitality Program development.
- 17 – The ZWA Blog topped 240,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation and details interesting reader analytics.
- 26 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Ei-hosted U.S. Composting Council Conference panel Getting to Zero Food Waste: Composting at Special Events. The ZWA Blog article, 2016 USCC Conference: Soils for a Greener World, showcases the panel along with a conference overview. Holly photographed the USCC Awards Ceremony. The Ei FB album, 2016 USCC Conference, gives a conference pictorial recap.
- 01 – The IMPACT Blog topped 75,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs: respected media & valuable industry resources, celebrates strong readership, acknowledges teamwork necessary to build the solid foundation and details interesting reader analytics.
- 18 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore’s quote “As long as we view it as trash it will end up in the landfill. We must recognize it as valuable material.” is included in the Environmental Leader article Zero Waste: Stop Throwing Money in the Trash.
- 02 – Ei is featured in a National Geographic Channel virtual discussion re: Has Reliance on Fossil Fuels Irreversibly Damaged the Planet based on their Breakthrough: Energy on the Edge documentary. The ZWA Blog article, Alternative Energy: creating solutions or potential disasters?, gives a reality check perspective. The IMPACT Blog article, Alternative Energy: embracing the creative spirit, gives a counterpoint perspective.
- 19 – Ei Partners travel from across the nation to attend the Annual Ei Partner Meeting. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei 2015: A Year of ACTION, is a synopsis of the powerful meeting presentations while the Ei FB album, 2015 Annual Ei Partner Meeting is a pictorial recap. PPT presentations are available for download on the Ei Meetings & Events page.
- 18 – Waste Dive published an article on an interview with Ei Founder Holly Elmore re: Zero waste: An attainable goal?
- 08 – Ei partnered with Les Dames d’Escoffier International (LDEI) Atlanta Chapter on a zero food waste journey at their prominent Afternoon in the Country. Despite rain and mud, 1800 pounds of food waste was composted at the event. The ZWA Blog article, Zero Food Waste Journeys: Successes, Challenges & Lessons Learned, recaps the successes within the challenging day.
- 28 – The ZWA Blog topped 225,000 pageviews.
- 11 – RayDay 2015 achieved literal zero food waste with on-site food waste composting. The ZWA Blog article, Simple, easy, proven steps culminate in zero food waste, chronicles the zero food waste success.
- 08 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Scaling Up Composting In North America: Presentation And Working Session at GreenBlue’s SPC Advance Conference in Charlotte, SC. The ZWA Blog article, Sustainability: an industry defining itself, recaps the conference including a feature on the Ei-moderated panel.
- 06 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore was the keynote luncheon speaker at the Upstate Food Recovery Event in Greenville, SC. The ZWA blog article, SC ripe for food recovery, provides an event summary. The PPT is available for download on the Ei Speaking Engagements page.
- 03 -The Ei Airborne Kitchen Grease Initiative (AKG) launched with a four-stage action plan. The ZWA blog article, Ei Airborne Kitchen Grease Initiative Announced, is an overview of the announcement.
- 30 – The ZWA Blog topped 220,000 pageviews.
- 18 – Ei submitted the Waste | Recycling section of the World Chefs Sustainability Curriculum.
- 09 – Ei submitted the Ray C. Anderson Foundation Gray Notes Grant Application for the Ei Airborne Kitchen Grease initiative.
- 04 – The City of Atlanta issued a formal statement of support for the Ei Airborne Kitchen Grease Initiative.
- 20 – The SMAT members presented a Compostable Packaging Educational Session to Les Dames d’Escoffier International, Atlanta Chapter (LDEI | ATL) for the SFCI – Annual Event Pilot Afternoon in the Country. The ZWA Blog article, Atlanta Food Waste Heroes: the journey continues…, provides a recap of the meeting. An overview of the session is available for download under the action section of the SFCI – Annual Event Pilot page.
- 12 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore and Ei supporter Renaissance Technology attended a Cooling Tower Blowdown Initiative scoping session with the Atlanta Airport.
- 13 – The Ei | EPA Grant team visited Charlotte for three days of meetings, tours and dinners. The ZWA Blog article, Charlotte opportunities segue into ACTION, gives the visit overview.
- 30 – The ZWA Blog topped 210,000 pageviews and sister Blog The Impact surpassed 70,000 pageviews.
- 15 – Les Dames d’Escoffier International, Atlanta Chapter (LDEI | ATL) accepted the invitation to serve as the SFCI – Annual Event Pilot.
- 05 – Ei orchestrated an introductory meeting for the Affairs to Remember Caterers Team and in-coming City of Atlanta Director of Sustainability Stephanie Benfield. Read more on the Ei Connects page.
- 15 – 19 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended annual NRA show. The Impact Blog article, Annual NRA Show: fun, empowering & good for business!, gives a conference recap from the Ei perspective.
- The ZWA Blog topped 200,000 page views. The ZWA Blog article, Zero Waste in ACTION Blog tops 200,000 pageviews!, documents the monumental achievement.
- 05 – 07 – Ei was media partner for The National Zero Waste Business Conference. The ZWA Blog article, Business NOT as usual: fine-tuning the zero waste journey, gives the details on keynote speakers and plenary presentations.
- 22 – On Earth Day, Ei founder, Holly Elmore was interviewed by Barbara Dooley for Fox News radio, 98.7FM, Georgia’s Morning News. Listen here.
- 08 – The SMAT members presented a Compostable Packaging Educational Session for the GWCC. The ZWA Blog article, Compostable F&B Packaging: integral to zero waste programs and soil rebuilding, summarizes the excellent session, while the Ei FB album, 04-08-15 Compostable F&B Packaging Education Session is a pictorial recap.
- 02 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpasses 190K pageviews.
- 26 & 27 – Ei Chair Scott Seydel, presented on the Beyond Greenwash: Extended Producer Responsibility panel at the Plastic GYRE Symposium: Artists, Scientists and Activists Respond. The ZWA Blog article, Plastic GYRE Symposium: Artists, Scientists and Activists Respond, gives an overview of the event.
- 01 – Ei Twitter followers reach 1000!
- 28 – The IMPACT Blog topped 65K pageviews. The IMPACT blog article, Ei Blogs Top 250K Combined Pageviews, chronicles the blogs history and trajectory.
- 21 – Ei Supporter Affairs to Remember plants a tree via Trees Atlanta in honor of Ei’s Five Year Anniversary. The Ei FB album, 02-21-15 Affairs to Remember plants tree in Ei’s honor, gives a pictorial overview.
- 21 – The Ei blogs Zero Waste in ACTION and The IMPACT, surpassed the monumental 250,000 pageviews landmark! The IMPACT blog article, Ei Blogs Top 250K Combined Pageviews, chronicles the blogs history and trajectory.
- 19 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed 185,000 pageviews.
- 06 – Ei Supporter Affairs to Remember dedicates their social media to Ei in commemoration of Ei’s Five Year Anniversary.
- 05 – Ei turns Five!!! On February 5, 2010 Ei registered as a Georgia non-profit corporation. The Impact Blog article, Ei Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary, commemorates Ei’s first five years.
- 02 – 04 – The EPA Grant | Ei Team converged on Charlotte the week of February 2 for a series of meetings and tours at the major sports facilities, the convention center and local schools. The ZWA Blog article, Charlotte: Land of Opportunities, is an overview of the powerful Charlotte visit; the Ei FB album, Charlotte Visit: EPA Grant & Beyond, is a pictorial recap.
- 14 – Ei is co-presenter for the Arthur Blank Family Foundation Film Series screening of Green Streets, a Citizen Film documentary, in Atlanta. The ZWA Blog article, Green Streets Comes to Atlanta!, announces the screening, the article Green Streets: grass roots social enterprise gives a recap of the empowering visit and screening and the Ei FB album, Green Streets Comes to Atlanta, gives a pictorial overview.
- 13 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed 180,000 pageviews.
- 13 – Ei Supporter Affairs to Remember included Ei in The Green Files “Revered” List.
- 13 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog article surpassed 175,000 pageviews.
- 11 – Ei orchestrated the Fourth Annual Sustainable Food & Beverage Package Value Chain Meeting hosted by the Global Green D.C. office. The ZWA Blog article, Sustainable F&B Packaging: moving from an emerging to a maturing industry, is an overview of the powerful meeting.
- 04 – Ei General Council Greg Chafee hosted the Annual Ei Board Meeting.
- 21 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog’s most popular article, Reduce First, Donate Second, Compost Third, surpasses 10,000 pageviews.
- 20 – Ei Partners travel from across the nation to attend the Annual Ei Partner Meeting. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei 2014: A Year of Evolution, is a synopsis of the powerful meeting presentations. PPT presentations are available for download on the Ei Meetings & Events page.
- 20 – Ei Strategic Ally U.S. Zero Waste Business Council announced Ei is the 2015 USZBC Conference – The Stars of Zero Waste – media partner for the Los Angeles event. The ZWA Blog article, 2015 Zero Waste Conference: A Star-Studded Event, announces the conference.
- 09 – Ei founder Holly Elmore was honored with the Atlanta Les Dames d ’Escoffier International “Green Ribbon” award at the 14th Annual Afternoon in the Country. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei Awards, Recognition & Milestones, details Ei Awards received in 2014 including the Green Ribbon.
- 29 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed 170,000 pageviews with the ZWA Blog article, Atlanta Airport’s Leadership Role in Compostable Food & Beverage Packaging.
- 28 – Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) announced the 3.9 million square feet conference center was awarded LEED Silver certification by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The GWCC is the largest LEED certified convention center in the world and the 14th largest building in the world to be LEED Certified. The Impact blog article, GWCC LEED certification showcases sustainability leadership, details the hard work of Tim Trefzer and the GWCC sustainability team.
- 22 – In preparation for activating the compostable packaging contract provision in the new concessions contract, the Atlanta Airport hosted the greeningATL SFCI Vendor Fair. In addition to Ei founder Holly Elmore attending, SMAT was represented by Ei Partners Eco-Products and NaturBag. The ZWA Blog article, Atlanta Airport’s Leadership Role in Compostable Food & Beverage Packaging, gives a history of the contract provision and overview of the Vendor Fair.
- 26 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed 165,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article,Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership, validates the blog as a powerful industry voice. The Zero Waste in ACTION’s most popular article, Reduce First, Donate Second, and Compost Third, surpassed 9,000 pageviews.
- 23 – The Zero Waste in ACTION and IMPACT Blogs achieved a combined 225,000+ pageviews reach. For a recount of the Blogs’ evolution into powerful industry tools, see the IMPACT Blog article, Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership.
- 18 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed the 60,000 pageviews milestone. For a recount of the Blogs’ evolution into powerful industry tools, see the IMPACT Blog article, Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership.
- 27 – Moving beyond landfill diversion, the following Recycling Refinement webpages were created and detail work-in-progress: Post Consumer Food Waste Focus & Source-Separated Materials Recycling.
- 25 – The Ei Twitter page surpasses the 800 followers milestone.
- 20 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed the 160,000 pageviews milestone. For a recount of the Blogs’ evolution into powerful industry tools, see the IMPACT Blog article, Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership.
- 08 – SMAT attended the Atlanta Falcons 2014 opening pre-season game for a fact finding | baseline creation mission regarding food waste collection and on-site source-separated materials recycling programs under development. Visit the ZWA Blog article, Sustainability in ACTION at the Georgia Dome, for an overview of recycling refinement in-process at the GA Dome.
- 08 – First Sustainable Materials ACTION Team (SMAT) action was an Atlanta Airport food court tour to show support for the SFCI – ATL Airport activities. The ZWA Blog article, Contract provisions require team work necessary for zero waste success, includes an overview of the tour.
- 28 – 01 – The Ei Team visited Charlotte for three days of meetings, tours and strategy sessions with Mecklenburg County Government and Ei Pioneer Partner Keter Environmental Services. Visit the ZWA Blog article, Ei Charlotte Visit: Busy, Productive & Fun!, for an overview. For a pictorial recap visit the Ei FB Album, July | August 2014 Ei Charlotte Visit.
- 23 – The Ei Twitter following surpasses the 750 mark.
- 13 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed the 150,000 pageviews milestone. For a recount of the Blogs’ evolution into powerful industry tools, see the IMPACT Blog article, Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership.
- 8 & 9 – Ei Partners traveled from across North America to participate in the Atlanta Ei Partner Tours, hosted by Pratt Industries, Novelis, the Georgia World Congress Center and the Atlanta Airport. Everybody used the two days to educate and strategize on action points within the many Ei initiatives. Visit The IMPACT Blog article, Atlanta Ei Partner Tours, for an tour overview. For a pictorial recap visit the Ei FB Album, Atlanta Ei Partner Tours.
- 17 – 20 – Ei founder Holly Elmore along with a plethora of Ei Partners, Strategic Allies, Supporters and Advisors attended the 2014 National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. The IMPACT Blog article, 2014 NRA Show: a powerful, magical event, chronicles Ei’s prominence at the Show while the Ei FB album, 2014 NRA Show is a pictorial recount.
- 16 – The ZWA and IMPACT Blogs achieved a combined 200,000+ pageviews reach. For a recount of the Blogs’ evolution into powerful industry tools, see the IMPACT Blog article, Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership.
- 8 & 9 – Ei is conference partner and media sponsor for the USZWBC conference and played a leading role in bringing the national conference to Atlanta. Ei founder Holly Elmore moderated several panels, and Ei Partners, Advisors and Strategic Allies presented on numerous panels and plenaries during the two-day conference. The 2014 NZWBC Conference page substantiates Ei’s prominent role at the conference, while the Ei FB album, 2014 USZWBC Conference in Atlanta, gives a pictorial recap of the event.
- 01 – Ei is an official EPA Food Recovery Challenge Endorser! The ZWA Blog article, EPA Food Recovery Challenge: Region IV launches FRC in hospitality sector, introduces the FRC along with Ei’s role in program support.
- 21 – 23 – The EPA Grant Team visited Charlotte for three days filled with meetings, tours and strategy sessions. The ZWA Blog article, Charlotte Focuses on Food Waste with EPA Grant Support, documents the three action-packed days of meetings, tours and recruitments. The Ei FB album, Charlotte Focuses on Food Waste with EPA Grant Support, supports the article with a pictorial recap.
- 3 – 5 – Ei founder, Holly Elmore attended the Lambda Alpha International Spring 2014 Land Economics Weekend hosted by the Atlanta Chapter. The ZWA Blog article, Atlanta Welcomes Global Land Economics Group, documents the tours, while the Ei FB album, Spring 2014 Lambda Alpha Land Economics Weekend in Atlanta, is a pictorial recap.
- 27 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed 140,000 pageviews. The ZWA Blog article, Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership, validates the blog as a powerful industry voice.
- 25 – 27 – Ei founder Holly Elmore attended the Sustainable Packaging Coalition 2014 Spring Conference as part of the Ei | SPC Strategic Ally Memorandum of Understanding. The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog article, Beyond Easy Wins …, published with a conference overview from Ei’s perspective. The Ei FB album, Spring 2014 SPC Conference, supports the article with a conference pictorial recap.
- 19 – The Ei FB page surpasses the 500 “likes” milestone.
- 01 – The American Association of Airport Executives’ February | March Airport Magazine published the AIRBORNE KITCHEN GREASE: A New Frontier in Sustainability, A simple solution saves tremendous water use, labor and dollars article in the Asset Management Department. The article is co-written by Ei founder Holly Elmore and Atlanta Airport director of sustainability and asset management Michael Cheyne. The ZWA Blog article, Atlanta Airport Presents a Proactive Approach to Airborne Kitchen Grease, provides the article details, context and link.
- 27 – The IMPACT Blog surpasses the 50,000 pageviews milestone. The IMPACT Blog article, Ei Blogs Attract Strong Global Readership, validates the blog as a powerful industry voice.
- 18 – Ei facilitated the first introductory meeting for the EPA Food Recovery Challenge (FRC) to Atlanta’s food waste heroes. The ZWA Blog article, EPA Food Recovery Challenge: Region IV launches FRC in hospitality sector, introduces the FRC along with Ei’s role in program support.
- 05 – Ei celebrates its four-year anniversary and enters into Year Five of living the tagline, Sustainability in ACTION! The IMPACT Blog article, Happy Birthday Ei: A Year in Review, gives an overview of Ei’s platforms, current initiatives and many firsts!
- 16 – Ei produces first video documenting the Plastic Film Recycling initiative. Filmed & edited by Ei Chair Scott Seydel and produced by Ei founder Holly Elmore, the video Ei Plastic Film Recovery Pilot @ FreshPoint, is an overview of the metro-wide plastic film recovery pilot initial action step. The ZWA Blog article, Plastic Film Recycling Template Video Published, documents the video.
- 17 – Ei founder Holly Elmore was inducted into Lambda Alpha International, the Honorary Society for the Advancement of Land Economics. Holly’s election to the LAI Atlanta Chapter membership was in recognition of a successful career implementing sustainable best practices in the foodservice industry. The IMPACT article, Lambda Alpha International Atlanta Chapter: growing membership, influence & impact, documents Holly’s induction and gives an overview of LAI.
- 12 – Ei orchestrated the Annual Food & Beverage Packaging Value Chain Meeting bringing together key trade-associations and non-profits in Washington, D.C. The ZWA Blog post, Tackling the Challenges | Barriers to Sustainable Packaging, gives an overview of the powerful meeting, while the Ei FB album 2013 Annual F&B Packaging Value Chain Meeting, is a pictorial recap.
- 22 – The Ei film crew recorded plastic film recycling procedures in-place at FreshPoint’s distribution center, the pilot pioneer. The ZWA Blog article, Plastic Film Recycling: A New Frontier, documents the template progress.
- 21 – Ei Partners, Friends, Strategic Allies and Advisory Council traveled from across the country to attend the Annual Ei Partner Meeting. The IMPACT Blog post, Another Year, Another Annual Ei Partner Meeting!, documents the successful day’s activity, while the Ei FB album, 11-21-13 Annual Ei Partner Meeting, is a pictorial recap.
- 20 – The Zero Waste in Action blog surpasses the 125,000 pageviews milestone.
- 10 – SFCI Team members tour the GA Dome and “pick the bowl.” The ZWA Blog article Refining Recycling Practices at the GA Dome, is an overview of the game day tour plus the subsequent food waste | packaging delivery to the composting facility.
- 08 – The Ei Board meets to review the year’s accomplishments, current, projects, and future plans.
- 19 – Ei announces the Recycling Refinement Platform in the ZWA Blog post, Recycling Refinement: moving beyond landfill diversion.
- 13 – It is official: Ei is a sub-grantee under the Sustainable Packaging Coalition’s U.S. EPA Region IV’s grant to scale up composting in Charlotte, NC. The ZWA Blog post, Scaling up composting in Charlotte, NC, is a grant overview along with listing the team members.
- 29 – The city-wide plastic film recycling template pilot is announced in the ZWA Blog post, If it was easy, it would already be done.
- 26 & 27 – TRICOR, the Tennessee Prison System’s employment arm, hosted Ei Partners, Supporters and pals on a two-day tour of prisons along with inmate employment practices in-place. The ZWA Blog post, Prisons: Valuable Resource for Recycling Refinement Systems?!, introduces TRICOR along with the powerful Ei synergies. For a tour pictorial cap, see the Ei FB album, 09-13 TRICOR TN Tours.
- 18 – 20 – Ei hosted U.S Zero Waste Business Council executive director Stephanie Barger for two days of introductory meetings in preparation for the 2014 USZWBC Conference in Atlanta. The ZWA Blog post, Creating Value through Zero Waste, is an overview of the busy two days; the Ei FB album, 09-13 USZWBC ATL Visit, is the pictorial recap.
- 15 – Ei founder Holly Elmore joined the new Falcons Stadium architects on a game day recycling practices tour hosted by Tim Trefzer, GA World Congress Center Authority sustainability director. The ZWA Blog post, Winning Recycling Seasons: Team Work Required!, is a tour overview; the Ei FB album, 09-15-13 Falcons Recycling Tour, is a tour pictorial recap.
- 13 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed 110,000 pageviews. The ZWA and IMPACT Blogs achieved a combined 150,000+ cyberspace reach.
- 09 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed the 40,000 pageviews milestone.
- 11 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed the 35,000 pageviews milestone.
- 06 & 07 – Ei Partner BASF hosted the Ann Arbor Ei Partners tours. The IMPACT Blog post, Ann Arbor Ei Partner Tours, is a tour overview. For a pictorial recap by three roving photographers – Holly Elmore, Scott Lutocka & Scott Seydel visit the Ei FB Albums, Ann Arbor Ei Partner Tours – Day One and Ann Arbor Ei Partner Tours Day 2.
- 01 & 02 – Ei Partners, Friends and pals traveled to Indianapolis to tour zero waste facilities at Piazza Produce and Subaru. Ei Partner Heritage Interactive Services hosted the Subaru Automotive of Indiana zero waste manufacturing plant tour. The ZWA Blog post, Source-Separation Key to Maximum Recycling PROFITS, is an overview of the tour and the Ei FB album, 08-13 Indy Zero Waste Tours, gives the pictorial recap.
- 30 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed the coveted 100,000 pageviews milestone – the post, ZWA Blog: A Powerful Industry Resource and Voice, chronicles the blog’s evolution from a zero waste “cheerleader” to a powerful voice and resource.
- 21 – Ei founder Holly Elmore is included in the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s inaugural Who’s Who in Sustainability list. The IMPACT Blog post, Atlanta Sustainability Leaders Recognized, chronicles Ei’s relationship with many of the fellow leaders listed.
- 20 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed the 95,000 pageview milestone.
- 19 – Ei takes the first step into the global arena. Ei Chair Scott Seydel attended the Circular Economy 100 as a CE100 guest. The IMPACT Blog, A Revolutionary Evolution – going from a linear to a circular economy, is a circular economy introduction and a summit overview.
- 23 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed 90,000 pageviews.
- 09 – Ei hosted the first Ei Partner conference panel at the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council Conference. Ei Partners BASF, Piazza Produce and HMSHost presented on the Zero Waste is a Team Sport panel, moderated by Ei Founder Holly Elmore. The ZWA blog post, Zero Waste is a Team Sport, a powerful USZWBC conference panel, is a panel overview. PPT presentations are available for download on the Ei Speaking Engagements page.
- 24 – The Zero Waste in ACTION Blog surpassed the 85,000 pageview milestone.
- 17 – With the International Concourse nearing its one-year anniversary, the Sustainable Food Court Initiative Atlanta Airport Team reunited for a facility tour. Fact finding in nature, the tour included the concourse loading dock area along with food court front & back-of-the-house operations. The ZWA Blog post, SFCI Atlanta Airport Pilot: ACTION Resumes, is a pilot & tour overview while the EI FB album, 04-17-13 SFCI Team Tour – ATL Airport Int’l Concourse, is a pictorial recap.
- 02 – The IMPACT Blog surpassed the 25,000 pageviews milestone – an amazing accomplishment, considering the limited number of posts. With its sister blog Zero Waste in ACTION at 81,000+ pageviews, Elemental Impact achieved a 100,000+ cyberspace reach. The IMPACT Blog post, A Powerful Cyberspace Voice – A Creation Guide, celebrates the milestone.
- 29 – Ei orchestrated a tour of the Wilbros Organic Recovery & Biofuels facility in Toccoa, GA for Michael Cheyne, Atlanta Airport director of sustainability & asset management. At tour time, Wilbros is the only composting site in GA permitted to accept food waste that is accepting food waste. The tour is featured in the ZWA Blog post, “Seeing is Believing” – the magic of tours and the Ei FB album, 03-29-13 Wilbros Organic Recovery & Biofuels Tour, is the pictorial recap.
- 27 – Ei Chair Scott Seydel and founder Holly Elmore toured the Pratt Recycling MRF along with Michael Cheyne, Atlanta Airport director of sustainability & asset management. Pratt is the destination for the Atlanta Airport’s recycling stream. The tour is featured in the ZWA Blog post, “Seeing is Believing” – the magic of tours and the Ei FB album, 03-27-13 Pratt MRF Tour is the pictorial recap.
- 27 – Ei Chair Scott Seydel and founder Holly Elmore toured the recently opened GenAgain plant in Lithia Springs, GA. Using innovative technology, GenAgain accepts “dirty plastic” generally landfilled or sent overseas.and returns it to petroleum. The tour is featured in the ZWA Blog post, “Seeing is Believing” – the magic of tours
- 15 – Ei’s first article is published in a national magazine. Inside Supply Chain Management published The Journey to a Zero-Waste Supply Chain in their March issue Sustainability Column. Written by Ei founder Holly Elmore, the article is introductory in nature with an overview of zero waste. The ZWA Blog post, Supply Chain’s Critical Role in Zero Waste Success, is an article overview and beyond.
- 04 & 05 – Ei Partners HMSHost and Simon Property Group hosted the Charlotte Ei Partner Tours. The IMPACT Blog post, Charlotte Ei Partner Tours, gives a tours overview while the ZWA Blog post, Bring the Possible Out of Impossible, dives into zero waste successes. For pictorial recaps of the powerful two days visit the Ei FB albums: 03-04-13 Charlotte Ei Partner Tours – Day One & 03-05-13 Charlotte Ei Partner Tours – Day Two. PPT presentations along with the tours agenda and participants list are available as downloads on the Ei Partner Tours page
- 25 – Ei founder Holly Elmore presented in the Zero Waste, Southern Style session at SWANA’s Road to Zero Waste Conference held in Atlanta. The ZWA Blog post, Zero Waste, Southern Style, is a session overview.
- 23 – The ZWA Blog tops 75,000 pageviews; the ZWA Blog post, ZWA Blog Hits 75,000 Pageview Milestone, is an overview of the powerful cyberspace network created.
- 05 – Ei celebrates third anniversary. The IMPACT Blog post, Elemental Impact Yr Three in Review – Amazing!, is a recap of a busy, ground-breaking year.
- 30 – Ei founder Holly Elmore presented in the Food Waste in Focus session at the 2013 U.S. Composting Council Conference, The Magic of Compost. The ZWA Blog post, Compost, A Magical Experience, is a conference overview and Holly’s PPT presentation is available on the Speaking Engagements page.
- 15 – Ei founder Holly Elmore is featured in the CBS SmartPlanet article For business, food waste a ripe opportunity for savingsand referred to as “one of those Erin Brockovich whistleblowers.” The ZWA Blog post, Food Waste, the business perspective, is an article overview along with commentary.
- 19 – Ei announces an evolved Partnership Program via the IMPACT Blog post, Ei Partner Program Evolves.
- 16 – Ei announces a new mission statement via the IMPACT Blog post, Ei: New Mission Statement | New Directions.
- 12 – For the second consecutive December the non-profits and trade associations representing the entire food and beverage value chain gathered in Washington D.C. for a day of camaraderie, sharing and strategizing. Ei and Global Green co-hosted the meeting held on 12-12-12, a powerful, important day! The ZWA Blog post, Second Annual F&B Packaging Meeting, gives a meeting overview. PPT presentations are available on the Ei Meetings & Events page.
- 5 & 6 – The second Ei Partner tours were scheduled in NYC to tag-team with Global Green’s CoRR Food Waste Conference on November 7. The ZWA Blog post, Food Waste Too Valuable for the Landfill , gives an overview of the Global Enviro on-site digester tour. The IMPACT Blog post, NYC Ei Partner Tours, is an overall recap with specifics on the EcoLogic Solutions warehouse visit.
- 17 – Ei founder Holly Elmore and Ei Partner Steve Davies of Natureworks presented on the Role Biopolymers Play in Zero Waste Programs in an End of Life panel at the Biopolymers Conference in San Antonio. Ei was a conference media partner.
- 12 – The November issue of Whole Living, a Martha Stewart publication, hit the stands with the feature article Spoil Alertprofiling Ei founder Holly Elmore as she hosts the author on a two-day interview marathon of Atlanta’s wasted food crusaders. The ZWA Blog post, Atlanta Wasted Food Heroes in National Spotlight, is an article overview along with commentary.
- 03 & 04 – An Ei Team visits Newark for a two-day series of zero waste meetings and a workshop.Amy Moreland of Heritage Interactive Services and Chris Bradlee of BASF joined Ei founder Holly Elmore for the Newark zero waste visit hosted by the City of Newark Office of Sustainability. The ZWA Blog post, Ei Team Visits Newark for Zero Waste Education, is an overview of the meetings and workshop and the Ei FB album, Oct 02 & 03 Newark Zero Waste Visit, is the pictorial recap.
- 28 – The NRA completes the acquisition of the Zero Waste Zones program with receipt of the final payment. The ZWA Blog post, Ei: An Established Program Creator, announces the program transfer.
- 25 – The Perpetual Life Cycle System is birthed during the BioTown Ag on-farm A.D. Tour in Reynolds, IN. Urls are reserved for future use. The ZWA Blog post, Perpetual Life Cycle System – Simplicity is Key, recaps the importance of emulating nature’s no-waste system.
- 24 – Zero waste icon Scott Lutocka gives Ei Partners a tour of Piazza Produce’s zero waste facility. The ZWA Blog post, Zero Waste is a Team Sport, gives a tour overview and the Ei FB album, 09-24-12 Piazza Produce Zero Waste Tour, is the pictorial recount. With Scott’s in-depth comments on each picture, the album is a valuable asset.
- 15 – SFCI Shopping Mall Pilot Concord Mills begins their food waste donation program and setting the foundation for a food court food waste donation template. The ZWA Blog post, Food Waste Donation – Everyone WINS!, is an overview of HMSHost’s food donation commitment in action.
- 21 – Plastic film recycling pilot launches at Concord Mills, a Simon mall located in Charlotte. The ZWA Blog post, ACTION – Theme for SFCI Shopping Mall Pilot, gives the details and the Ei FB album, 08-12 Charlotte SFCI Trip, is the pictorial recap of the SFCI Team Charlotte Visit.
- 18 – Ei publishes the first blog post as a conference media sponsor: Role Compostable Packaging Plays in Food Waste Systems.
- 16 – First action steps taken in Food Waste Donation program within foodservice produce distribution channels: one company, one distribution center, 500 tons per annum of edible, unsalable food going to compost instead of hungry human bellies. The ZWA Blog post, Food Waste Reduction in Foodservice Distribution Channels, documents the current scenario, challenges and action points.
- 15 – Concord Mills, a Simon mall in Charlotte, is officially the Sustainable Food Court Shopping Mall Pilot. The ZWA Blog post, Concord Mills – SFCI Shopping Mall Pilot!, gives details on the announcement.
- 29 – Zero Waste in ACTION Blog tops 50,000 page views. The ZWA Blog post, … a voice grows powerful, gives a history of the blog along with commentary on the importance of documenting the journey.
- 23 – 14 – Heritage Interactive Services hosts fellow partners for the inaugural Ei Partner Tours in Indianapolis. The IMPACT Blog post, Ei Partner Tours Launch in Indy, recaps the amazing two days of education, strategizing and fun. For a pictorial recap, visit the Ei FB album, July, 2012 Ei Partner Tours in Indy.
- 27 – Ei founder Holly Elmore spoke at the first annual U.S. Zero Waste Business Council Conference in Costa, Mesa CA. The ZWA Blog post, U.S. Zero Waste Business Council hosts first-rate conference, gives the details.
- 18 – Chris Moyer & Jeff Clark with the National Restaurant Association ConSERVE Program visited Atlanta for a day of ZWZ meetings with Atlanta civic and community leaders. The ZWZ Blog post, NRA | ZWZ | Ei Partnership – Powerful!, gives an overview of the meeting marathon.
- 19 – Ei took the first steps down the Toxin-Free Environment path with EcoLogic Solutions’ Atlanta visit. The IMPACT Blog post, Integration Key to Sustainability Success, is an overview of the visit and potential action.
- 12 & 13 – Renown national nature | science writer Elizabeth Royte visited Atlanta for a two-day series of interviews on food waste reduction efforts in-place within the metro area. Ei founder Holly Elmore orchestrated the interview series. The ZWA Blog post, Atlanta’s Focus on Food Waste Reduction, is an overview of the interviews.
- 16 – The Georgia Dome SFCI Team convenes for a comprehensive facility tour and to develop an action plan. The ZWA Blog post, GA Dome SFCI Team Tour, gives an overview.
- 14 & 15 – Ei took the first steps down the Product Stewardship path with South GA farm tours. The ZWA Blog post, Consumer Demand: A Powerful Voice to Effect Change, gives an overview of the tours along with setting the foundation for future action.
- 05-08 – Ei was an active participant at the 2012 National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. The IMPACT Blog post, 2012 NRA Show – Powerful!, recaps Ei Partner show activities. The ZWA Blog post, Waxed Cardboard Boxes = Landfill Destiny = $ Lost, is a synopsis of the NRA Show session, Challenging the Value-Chain to Transform Transport Packaging: Eco-Friendly, Wallet-Friendly Solutions, orchestrated by Ei Chair Scott Seydel.
- 12 – The Georgia Dome accepts the invitation to serve as the Sustainable Food Court Initiative Event Venue Pilot. The ZWA Blog, Georgia Dome – SFCI Event Venue Pilot!, announces the new pilot and gives accolades to the Dome for its sustainability commitment.
- 12 – The SFCI Atlanta Airport Team was treated to a pre-opening tour of the acclaimed International Concourse. See the ZWZ Blog post, SFCI Team Tours New ATL Airport Int’l Airport, for an overview of the tour and the Ei FB album, 04-12-12 SFCI Team Tour of ATL Airport, for the pictorial recap.
- 11 – The ZWA Blog tops 40,000 page views.
- 10 – Ei founder Holly Elmore presented a zero waste session at the City of Chattanooga Zero Waste Conference. The ZWA Blog, Chattanooga Builds a Green Brick Road, gives an overview of the well-attended conference.
- 28 – ZWZ National Zone expands with the addition of two award-winning participants: White Oak Pastures, Bluffton, GA and Piazza Produce, Indianapolis, IN. The ZWA Blog post, ZWZ National Zone Expands, gives the details.
- 24 – The first Ei video is published on YouTube, a ten-minute Sustainable Food Court Initiative overview from the NOLA Resource Recovery Conference. The ZWA Blog post, SFCI Video from the Ei Film Crew, gives the details.
- 02- Ei founder Holly presented on the Sustainable Food Initiatives at Global Green’s NOLA Resource Recovery Conference. The ZWA Blog post, Global Green Team Work in NOLA, gives an overview of the impressive and important conference.
- 25 – The Zero Waste Zones Blog was renamed the Zero Waste in ACTION Blog to better reflect its content. ZWA Blog also complements Ei’s tagline, “ Sustainability in Action.”The ZWA Blog post, New Name | Powerful, Broader Readership, announces the new name and gives stats on the escalating readership.
- 21 – The ZWZ Blog tops 35,000 page views.
- 10 – ZWZ celebrates its three year anniversary. The ZWZ Blog post, ZWZ Turns Three!, gives a recap of the program.
- 05 – Ei celebrates its two year anniversary. The IMPACT Blog post, Happy, Happy Birthday Ei, give an overview of the tremendous impact in the past two years.
- 18 – The POWER– Perishable Organics Waste to Energy Recycling – meeting was held as formal session at the U.S. Composting Council conference. The ZWZ Blog post, USCC 20th Annual Conference – STELLAR, gives the details.
- 09 & 10 – Simon Property Group, Hilex Poly & Ei took a road trip to Charlotte to set into ACTION the Sustainable Food Court Initiative Pilot at Concord Mills and plastic film recycling projects at the Simon malls in Charlotte. The ZWZ Blog post, 2011 Planning = 2012 ACTION, gives details of the fun, important trip.
- 10 The ZWZ Blog topped the 30,000 page views milestone.
- 19 – EcoLogic Solutions joins the Ei Sponsor Team as the first partner in the Toxic-Free Environment focus.
- 14 – Ei orchestrated and the National Restaurant Association hosted a collaborative meeting of the non-profits and trade associations for the sustainable foodservice packaging value-chain, representing the supply (manufacturers), demand (foodservice operators) and destinations (composting). The ZWZ Blog post, Sustainable Foodservice Packaging Meeting, gives details of the monumental meeting.
- 12 – Ei orchestrated an introductory meeting of the National Restaurant Association and the U.S. Composting Council leadership to build on the organizations’ synergies. The ZWZ Blog post, NRA Leads Industry Collaboration, gives details on the meeting.
- 05 & 06 – Ei Chair Scott Seydel and Founder Holly Elmore joined forces for the first time as a film crew at the Sustainable Food Court Initiative Atlanta Airport Pilot. The ZWZ Blog post, Ei | ZWZ Film Crew Debuts, gives a recount of the inaugural photo shoot.
- 22- The ZWZ Blog hits the 25,000 page view milestone, only 65 days after surpassing 20,000 page views.
- 19 –Ei is a partner with the Institute for Local Self Reliance in consulting contracts and other projects. The ZWZ Blog post, Ei Partners with ILSR, gives details.
- 16 – Ei hosts the second annual Ei Sponsor & Advisory Council Meeting for projects overviews and strategy sessions. The IMPACT Blog post, 2011: An Amazing Year for Ei, recaps the powerful meeting.
- 08 & 09 – The SC Hospitality Association returned to ATL for a second ZWZ tour focused on logistics and composting facility permits. The ZWZ Blog post, A ZWZ Encore Performance, gives an overview of the two days of tours & meetings.
- 31 – Michael Cheyne, Atlanta Airport Director of Asset Management & Sustainability, accepted the 2011 Going Green Airports Award for the Sustainable Food Court Initiative Atlanta Airport Pilot. The ZWZ Blog post, Atlanta Airport SFCI Pilot Wins National Award, gives the details.
- 31 – Atlanta Airport includes a contract provision in the concessions RFP requiring food vendors to use compostable packaging. The ZWZ Blog post, Atlanta Airport Makes a Bold Statement, includes the specific language and other details.
- 14 – The ZWZ National Zone launches with the Tampa International Airport, Charlotte Douglass International Airport and the Concord Mills in Charlotte, NC. The ZWZ Blog post, It’s Official: ZWZ is National, gives the details.
- 04 – Ei Founder & ZWZ Director, Holly Elmore presents on Recycling Integrity at the National Restaurant Association’s Annual Quality Assurance Executive Study Group meeting. The ZWZ Blog post, Recycling Integrity Introduced at the NRA Quality Assurance Meeting, gives an overview.
- 21 – Ei Founder & ZWZ Director Holly Elmore speaks in an impressive session, Foodservice Packaging Initiatives: A View from the Outside, at the Foodservice Packaging Institute’s Denver, CO meeting. The ZWZ Blog post, FPI Educates on Packaging Evolution, includes a recap of the session.
- 18 –The ZWZ site launches. In the past, the ZWZ were included as a section of the Ei site.
- 18 –The ZWZ Blog moves beyond 20,000 page views, a major milestone for the powerful communication tool.
- 08, 09 & 10 – Scott Seydel, Ei Advisory Council Chair and Global Green Chair, and Holly Elmore, Ei Founder & CEO, met up with Chris Moyer, National Restaurant Association Program Manager, in Washington D.C. for a 2 1/2 day meeting marathon. The ZWZ Blog post, Ei|NRA’s Meeting Marathon, gives an overview of the meetings and the Ei FB album, 08-11 Ei Washington D.C. Visit – A Meeting Marathon!, gives a pictorial recap.
- 16 & 17 – The Atlanta ZWZ Team hosts the South Carolina Hospitality Association contingent of Board members, business association executives, and City of Columbia staff and councilman for a ZWZ tour. The ZWZ Blog post, ATL Zero Waste Team Hosts SC Hospitality Tour, gives an overview of the tour and the Ei FB album, 08-11 SCHA ATL ZWZ Tour, gives a pictorial recap.
- 28 – Ei Founder Holly Elmore was profiled as a Green Leader in’s article, 6 Green Leaders in Red States. For details, go to the ZWZ Blog post, Honors Green Within the Red.
- 01 – Simon Property Group, Waste Management and Ei|ZWZ tour the North Vernon, IN Hilex Poly Recycling Plant, the only recycling facility dedicated solely to plastic film recycling in the nation. The ZWZ Blog post, Getting a Handle on Plastic Film Recycling, gives a tour recap and the Ei FB Album, Hilex Poly Tour, gives the pictorial overview.
- 28 – FreshPoint Atlanta joins the ZWZ as the first foodservice purveyor. The ZWZ Blog post, ZWZ Welcomes New Participants!, gives the details.
- 27 – The Atlanta Airport, Concourse T serves as the first Sustainable Food Court Initiative pilot. See the ZWZ Blog post, Atlanta Airport – First SFI Pilot Project!, for the announcement and SFCI Team members.
- 16 – Matt Hupp with Simon Property Group travels to Atlanta for a day of meetings exploring zero waste initiatives available for mall operations. The ZWZ Blog post, Simon Property Group Embarks on Zero Waste Initiatives, gives a recap of the important day and the Ei FB Album, A Day of Mtgs with SPG, gives a pictorial overview.
- 14|15 – Havi Global Solutions, the supply chain management company for McDonald’s, visited Atlanta to explore an organics collection pilot for metro area McDonald’s. The ZWZ Blog post, Organics Collection Headed Towards Mainstream, gives a recap of the meetings and tours and the Ei FB album, HAVI Visits ATL, gives a pictorial overview.
- 13 – NatureWorks is Ei’s first sponsor renewal! The IMPACT Blog post, Ei’s Terrific Twos Brings Sponsorship Renewals, gives details of NW’s renewal and active Ei participation.
- 06 – Owens-Illinois contacts the ZWZ Team about partnering in a glass recycling pilot project in Atlanta. The Glass Packaging Institute joins the team effort. The ZWZ Blog post, Glass Recycling Kiln Ignited, gives an overview of the glass recycling exploration.
- 26 – Seeds planted for ZWZ-Tampa in a day of meetings with hoteliers, government officials and the Tampa Airport folks. The ZWZ Blog post, An Atlanta Icon Resurfaces in Tampa, gives details of the visit.
- 24 – Recycling Integrity: Truths, Myths & Emerging Technologies introduced at the International Foodservice Sustainability Symposium in Chicago. The ZWZ Blog post, Recycling Integrity @ IFSS – The Chris & Holly Show with an Added Buzz, gives session details.
- 23 – Marlin Gottschalk, Director of the Sustainability Division of the GA DNR and Ei Advisory Council Member, passed from complications related to his cancer treatment. The ZWZ Blog post, Farewell to a Friend, Colleague & Mentor, is Ei Founder Holly Elmore’s personal tribute to Marlin.
- 21 – Compost, The Quiet Hero made an encore performance at the 2011 NRA Show with a 90 minute session accompanied by the Chris Triad: Chris Moyer (NRA), Chris Newman (EPA) and Chris Koetke (Kendall College). The ZWZ Blog post, Compost, The Quiet Hero @ 2011 NRA Show, includes session details and pictures.
- 21 -The POWER – Perishable Organics Waste to Energy Recycling – meeting was EXCELLENT with strong attendance and stellar presentations. The ZWZ Blog post, Spring POWER Meeting is Stellar gives a solid meeting overview and the Ei Facebook page has a POWER photo album with meeting pictures
- 18 – Susan Grider Montgomery joins Ei as the interim ZWZ Program Director. The long-term intention is for Susan to apply her expertise in health economics and impacts to the ZWZ. See the ZWZ Blog post, ZWZ Welcomes Susan Grider Montgomery, for more details.
- 10 – ZWZ officially enters the Terrific Twos with the anniversary of the 2009 press conference that launched the program. Visit the Press Room page for 2009 Press Release.
- 14 – City of Atlanta releases a media alert of their ZWZ participation and support. Visit the Press Info page for the media alert and the ZWZ blog post, OFFICIAL: City of Atlanta Lends ZWZ Support for an overview and quotes from Mayor Reed and Mandy Mahoney, City of Atlanta Director of Sustainability.
- 23 – ZWZ Two-Year Anniversary Press Conference. Visit the ZWZ Blog Post, ZWZ Garners National Support for press conference details and ZWZ Press Release Page for the ZWZ press release.
- 23 – The National Restaurant Associations announces the national collaboration with ZWZ. Visit the ZWZ Press Release Page for the NRA Press Release.
- 24 – Chris Moyer, National Restaurant Association Conserve Program Director, joins ZWZ Leadership as part of the NRA/ZWZ collaboration announced at the February 23 ZWZ Two-Year Press Conference. Visit the Blog Post, Chris Moyer Joins ZWZ Leadership for more details and a picture of Chris in his signature green sneakers.
- 24 – POWER (Perishable Organic Waste to Energy Recycling) held its first meeting outside of Atlanta in Santa Clara, CA in conjunction with U.S. Composting Council conference. ZWZ Director Holly Elmore and Chris Moyer with the National Restaurant Association Conserve program presented tag-team style on Mobilizing the Foodservice Industry to Embrace Organics Collection. Go to the POWER page for a list of the attendees, the agenda, the meeting notes and the PPT presentations. Go the ZWZ Blog for a post on the meeting.
- 27 – ZWZ Director Holly Elmore presented to the National Restaurant Association’s Board of Directors Sustainability and Social Responsibility Committee on ZWZ: Mobilizing an Industry. Go to the Speaking Engagements page for the PPT presentation. Go to the ZWZ Blog for the blog post on the meeting.
- 01, 07 & 08 ~ ZWZ Director Holly Elmore was invited to the Waste Management Area (GA, NC, SC) Fourth Quarter Management Meetings to educate the WM team on the importance of zero waste initiatives and the changing paradigm of the waste industry. Go to the ZWZ Blog Post, WM Educates on Zero Waste for details on the meetings and to the Speaking Engagements page for the PPT presentation.
- 17 – Compost, The Quiet Hero makes his second national appearance at the USDA Forestry Reserve’s Sustainable Options 2010 Summit in a 60 minute session via his spokesperson ZWZ Director Holly Elmore. Later in the day Holly presented on Zero Waste Zones: Mobilizing an Industry to Make a Difference in a 60 minute plenary session. Go to the Speaking Engagements page for additional information and the PPT presentations.
- 18 – Launch of the ZWZ Ambassador Program, a group of volunteers organized by zones with the joint commitment to build a strong zone through participation recruitment, guidance with meeting the Zone Criteria, and assistance in setting up the metrics collection tool. Go to the ZWZ Ambassadors page for more information.
- 18 – ZWZ Champion Affairs to Remember Caterers experienced well over $100,000 in sales made almost exclusively because ATR is a responsible caterer who “walks the talk” of sustainable practices. Go the ZWZ Testimonial page for additional information.
- 18 – Ei receives the IRS letter granting 501(c)3 non-profit status.
- 11 – ZWZ Blog post, Foodservice Industry Ready to Embrace Composting?! gets picked-up by the Northern California Advocates for Zero Waste within 24 hours of going live. The post is a response to Peter Romeo’s National Restaurant Association Blog post, Compost Your Way to Zero Waste.
- 20 – Fifth Group Restaurants is the first Charter Participant to join the on-line ZWZ program via the National ZWZ Participant Directory. Go to the Directory to see those who followed Fifth Group’s lead.
- 26 – ZWZ Director Holly Elmore named one of the first SSO SuperHeroes in a program launched by Harvest Power. SSO = Source Separated Organics. Superheros are recognized for their heroic efforts on the journey to create organic-free landfills. Go to the ZWZ Blog post, ZWZ Director a SSO Superhero, for more information and link to Holly’s profile on the SSO site.
ZWZ Auxiliary Program launched, which is designed to give Participants guidance on avenues available to broaden the scope of their sustainable practices into areas beyond the Zone Criteria, including social responsibility. Go to the ZWZ Auxiliary page for more information.
- The National ZWZ Participant and Supplier Directories are launched. Go to the ZWZ Directories page to view the directories.
- ZWZ Director Holly Elmore quoted in article, The Future of Compostable Packaging for QSRs. Go to the National Media page for a link to the article.
- 24 – Compost, The Quiet Hero makes his debut presentation via spokesperson Holly Elmore, ZWZ Director, in a 90 minute solo presentation at the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. Go to the Speaking Engagement page for the PPT presentation and the ZWZ Blog post, The Quiet Hero Speaks, for a recap of the well attended session.
- 01 – ZWZ Announces National Expansion plan in a morning presentation attended by a national audience
Waste Magazine features the ZWZ~Downtown Atlanta with many quotes from ZWZ Director in the Naught ‘lanta article. Go to the National Media page for an article link.
- 02 – ZWZ Director Holly Elmore speaks on a panel at Southface’s GreenPrints Conference on Building a Balance: Zero Energy, Waste & Water. First speaking engagement outside of the foodservice or environmental industries.
- 05 – Ei incorporates as a Georgia non-profit corporation.
- 02 – ZWZ Director Holly Elmore speaks on a panel at Southface’s GreenPrints Conference on Building a Balance: Zero Energy, Waste & Water. First speaking engagement outside of the foodservice or environmental industries.
- 10 -The Zero Waste Zone program launched with the downtown convention hotels, conference centers and event venues pledging to meet the ZWZ Criteria in a series of phases.