GRLEI Infrastructure Focus Area

The Global Regenerative Land Economics Initiative is committed to action through three Focus Areas: Infrastructure, Environmental Resources, and Social Equity.

Focus Area: Infrastructure

Vision: seeks to explore the development, improvement, and preservation of facilities that support an environmentally and financially sustainable built environment.

Scope: This group explores the facilities that comprise the built environment occupied by people environmentally and financially sustainable. The infrastructure of these complete communities include municipal water and sewer systems, water treatment plants, public utilities (such as gas and electricity), as well as government, corporate or industrial parks, and educational districts and campuses.

Challenges & Impact: The LAI purpose includes taking actions to support ideas that contribute to the enrichment of our urban and rural environment and benefit the quality of human life. One of the greatest challenges facing this field is addressing environmentally and economically sustainable and resilient land-use practices. The Infrastructure Focus Area seeks to support this goal by focusing on the facilities that support the built environment. These facilities include the utilities and common areas required for land uses such as residential, retail, commercial, and industrial.

Utilities include wet and dry utilities, (such as water, sewer, and energy needs). In particular, this group seeks to understand the challenges and barriers to creating and maintaining such resources in environmentally and financially sustainable ways. As a necessary public benefit, challenges and barriers will be viewed through the lens of both institutions and public agencies responsible for this infrastructure, as well as the customers and stakeholders who depend on these services.

Topics: relate to areas of exploration that correspond to the scope of one or more focus areas. Many topics will intersect focus area boundaries as well as other topics. The following topics relate to the Infrastructure Focus Area:

  • Transportation Systems
    • Multimodal Transportation for Carbon Reduction
  • Green Infrastructure 
  • Food Distribution Systems
    • Nutritious Food Distribution
  • Water Infrastructure
    • Supply
    • Treatment
  • Erosion Control 
  • Affordable Housing 
    • Neighborhood Planning
    • Inclusive Zoning
  • Biosolid Management Systems
  • Brown & Gray Fields Restoration
  • Circular Economy 
    • Waste | Recycling Management Systems 
    • Food-Waste Collection 
    • Food-Waste Composting 
  • Broadband Network Communication: Fiber-to-the-door for all
    • Applications that foster business & healthcare connections
    • Remote medical expert access for rural & small cities
    • 5G vs. fiber networks
  • Sound & Vibrational Impact
    • Vibrations from Human Activity, subliminal & luminal
  • Urban Development
    • Urban Density
    • Scale