Lambda Alpha International

LAI is an honorary society for the advancement of land economics. LAI provides a forum for the study and advancement of land economics where the “winnowing and sifting” of ideas takes place in an atmosphere of mutual respect.

Annually chapters sponsor “Weekend Experiences” giving members an opportunity to meet and learn about land-economic issues in cities throughout the world. Open to LAI members and their guests, the Land Economic Weekends (LEW) address wider international, national and regional issues and include project tours within the host city.

Operating through a network of global chapters, LAI provides a variety of programs and forums for its members to share information critical to understanding important land-use issues.

The IMPACT Blog article, Lambda Alpha International Atlanta Chapter: growing membership, influence and impact, introduces LAI along with its designated purposes.

Ei Founder Holly Elmore was inducted into LAI Atlanta Chapter membership in December 2013 and served on the LAI Atlanta Chapter Board. As the International Assistant Communication Director, Holly serves on the Communications Committee and the Global Executive Committee.

The below listings document the powerful LEWs Holly attended, beginning with the 2014 Atlanta LEW, along with designated Atlanta Chapter meetings and other actiivies.

LAI FL Suncoast Hosts Affordable Housing Event

Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Sarasota, FL

LAI FL Suncoast Chapter underdevelopment hosted their third official meeting at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation (GCCF) offices. Thanks to the GCCF’s generous sponsorship, the well-attended event was open to LAI members and prospective members at no charge. The meeting ended with a lovely reception that was much appreciated by the attendees.

Prior to the program, four new LAI FL Suncoast members – GCCF SVP Community Investment Jon Thaxton, Stantec Project Manager, Planning Katie LaBarr, MSC Commercial Real Estate Advisor Kevin McQuaid, and Wetland Extend Landward Owner Ray Goldsby – were inducted by LAI members Holly Elmore, Ei Founder & CEO, and John McCarthy, Selby Gardens VP for Regional History.

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Introduction to Water and Land Economics

LAI Global Water-Land Series Group Webinar

The Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Global Water-Land Series Group (Group) hosted the Introduction to Water and Land Economics Global Webinar; introductory in nature, the webinar was designed as a foundation for a plethora of future webinars on more specific topics.

As the Group Co-Chair, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore orchestrated the superb webinar and invited Ei Advisors and LAI members Steve Suau and Brad Bass to serve as webinar panelists along with UC Davis Distinguished Professor Jay Lund, a LAI Sacramento Chapter member.

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Shining Stars: Lakewood Ranch and LAI Suncoast

LAI Suncoast Event

On Thursday, April 25, 2024, the Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Suncoast Chapter underdevelopment hosted its second official event at Grove Restaurant located in one of Lakewood Ranch’s (LWR) three town centers. LAI VP Craig Binning traveled from Toronto to attend the meeting, educate on the value of LAI membership, and induct four new members.

Since 2018 LWR consistently ranks the top performing multi-generational community in the nation; thus, LWC was a perfect location for the LAI Suncoast meeting.

LWR SVP Laura Cole gave an excellent presentation, Lakewood Ranch: past, present, and future. The referenced link is a a pdf of Laura’s presentation.

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The Power of LAI Comes to Florida

On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 the underdevelopment Lambda Alpha International (LAI) FL Suncoast Chapter hosted their inaugural meeting at the Nathan Benderson Park (NBP) Finish Tower. NBP is an internationally renowned rowing facility, known as one of the top three facilities in the world.

LAI President Kathy King traveled from Los Angeles and LAI Past President, LAI Fellow, and New Chapter Development Chair Steven R Gragg from El Paso, Texas to support the underdevelopment chapter. Over their three-day Sarasota visit, a total of 13 new LAI members were inducted with several in individual ceremonies.

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Environmental Stewardship: the business perspective

Temple of Understanding on-line webinar

The Temple of Understanding invited Ei to host the May monthly Eco Justice for ALL Dialogue. With the topic, Environmental Stewardship: the business perspective, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore orchestrated the following panel of Ei Advisors as the dialogue speakers.
* Stephanie Barger – TRUE Certification for Zero Waste / U.S. Green Building Council Global Director of Market Transformation
* Simon Lamb – author of award-winning Junglenomics
* Tim Trefzer – Honeycomb Strategies Event and Venue Sustainability VP, Sports & Venues.

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COASTAL-WATER QUALITY: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact

LAI Global Webinar – online

On February 17 Lambda Alpha International (LAI, a land-economics honorary) hosted the Global Webinar Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact presented by Sarasota’s environmental leadership. As a member of the LAI executive committee, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore orchestrated the webinar.

The global webinar was the second program in an eighteen-month series about water and land economics around the globe hosted by the LAI Global Water Group.

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2019 Fall Austin LEW

In early November, the Austin LAI Chapter hosted the Fall 2019 Land Economics Weekend (LEW) with grand success. Over 100 attendees traveled from around the globe for the impressive two days of tours culminating with an Awards Banquet. As a member of the Global Executive Committee, Ei Founder Holly Elmore attended the pre-LEW business meetings and enjoyed the LEW festivities.

Each LEW day began with a presentation on Austin’s economic landscape addressing historical contributions to current successes | challenges. Additionally, work-in-progress to harness the explosive growth with healthy outcomes was addressed and discussed.

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May 2019 Rio Piedras PAD

Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico

On May 1, 2019 Lambda Alpha International (LAI) hosted the Rio Piedras Professional Advisory Delegation (PAD) in partnership with the Fideicomiso para el Desarrollo de Río Piedras (FDRP). The PAD was a precursor to the LAI Puerto Rico (PR) Land Economics Weekend (LEW) where the new PR Chapter was chartered and new local members were initiated during the LEW Welcome Reception.

Around 50 LAI delegates traveled early to the PR LEW to participate in the Rio Piedras PAD. According to LAI International Vice-President Cassandra Francis, “We hope this initial LAI PAD will serve to strengthen our connections with the community of Rio Piedras and allow LAI to be part of the community’s future renaissance.” read more…

2018 Baltimore LEW

Baltimore, MD

The Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Baltimore Chapter hosted the Spring 2018 Land Economics Weekend (LEW) attracting a global contingency eager to learn about Baltimore’s history, challenges, and accomplishments.

With limited time, the LEW tours and presentations focused on neighborhood revitalization, Inner Harbor industrial | commercial development, and community-based initiatives.
As an LAI Atlanta Chapter Board member, Holly represented the chapter in pre-LEW business meetings and enjoyed the LEW festivities.
The RiA article, Baltimore: revitalization in-process, gives an overview of the Baltimore LEW. Holly published the Ei FB album, 2018 Spring Baltimore LEW, with images from her LEW perspective.

2016 Fall Toronto LEW

Toronto, Ontario Canada

The Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Simcoe Chapter hosted the Fall 2016 Toronto Land Economics Weekend (LEW) attracting a global contingency eager to learn about Toronto’s history, challenges, and accomplishments. With limited time, the LEW tours and presentations focused on downtown Toronto redevelopment plans-in-process designed to craft a livable city for the increasing population.

On Thursday, September 22 LAI Board & Executive Meetings were held throughout the day. Ei Founder Holly Elmore represented the LAI Atlanta Chapter as well as her new position on the International Public Relations & Communications Committee.

The IMPACT Blog article, Toronto: crafting a livable city amidst staggering population shifts and growth, published as an in-depth LEW overview along with commentary. The Holly Elmore Images album, Toronto, is a pictorial recount of the LEW.

2016 Spring Memphis LEW

Memphis, TN

The Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Memphis Chapter hosted the Spring 2016 Land Economics Weekend (LEW) April 21 – 23 attracting a global contingency eager to learn about Memphis’ history, challenges, and accomplishments. With limited time, the LEW tours and presentations focused on the music industry, major redevelopment and, of course, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

The IMPACT Blog article, Memphis: an amazing city redefining itself, published as an in-depth LEW overview along with commentary. The Ei FB album, Memphis Land Economics Weekend, is a pictorial recap of the Memphis LEW including a section on Holly’s self-guided Memphis walking tour.

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