Mission Accomplished Pages

The below pages list Ei endeavors considered complete via a sale, term expiration or simply mission accomplished!

Mission Accomplished

Ei endeavors align within the following mantra:

Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.

Ei brings the possible out of impossible.

Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

The Ei Team is comprised of Industry Experts  and Industry Pioneers. Experts educate, advise and provide support as the Pioneers craft new standard operating practices that make good business and environmental sense. Once tested and proven effective, the Pioneers share the evolved practices with their industry colleagues. Ei’s work is complete and the Team moves to a new industry frontier.

During the Recycling Refinement Era, Ei inception through June 2017, the Ei Team served as a leader in pioneering frontiers with a myriad of completed projects | programs. Below is a listing of Ei endeavors considered complete via a sale, term expiration or simply mission accomplished!

  • ZWZ – Zero Waste Zones –  In 2012 the National Restaurant Association purchased the esteemed program that pioneered the commercial collection of food waste for composting.
  • Recycling Refinement – With the USGBC purchase of the US Zero Waste Business Council, national awareness of food waste and a wide array of facilities achieving zero waste was achieved. Ei’s role in developing materials management best-operating practices and creating industry awareness was complete.
  • World Chefs Waste | Recycling Course Curriculum – Ei submitted the completed Waste | Recycling Curriculum in a 50+ page PPT presentation for the World Chefs Sustainability for the Foodservice Industry Course in December 2015.
  • EPA Scaling-Up Composting in Charlotte, NC Grant – Ei was a lead sub-grantee under the EPA Grant to GreenBlue’s Sustainable Packaging Coalition; the grant term ended September 30, 2015.
  • Food & Beverage Packaging Value Chain Meetings – Each December 2011 through 2014, trade association and non-profit executives from the entire sustainable food & beverage packaging value chain met in Washington D.C. for a day of vibrant dialogue and sharing. Mission Accomplished: solid industry synergies grounded in joint programs.
  • GREASE – Grease Recycling & Energy Alternatives for the Environment – The Ei Airborne Kitchen Grease Initiative evolved GREASE from a task force into the precursor of a prominent Ei Initiative. Mission Accomplished!
  • Ei Airborne Kitchen Grease (AKG) Initiative – The prime Ei Partner leading the AKG Initiative shifted their business model and chose to no longer support the initiative; NOT accomplished yet on the side burner awaiting revival.
  • POWER – Perishable Organics Waste to Energy Recycling – From 2009 through 2011, Ei-hosted POWER meetings served as a platform to catapult an emerging industry into an established industry. Mission Accomplished!

The Ei Recycling Refinement Era section includes additional prominent work accomplished during Ei’s focus on zero waste, post-consumer food waste, and source-separated materials recycling.

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