National Zero Waste Business Conference

Ei was the official media partner for the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council along with their annual National Zero Waste Business Conference (NZWBC) from inception until the U.S. Green Building Council purchase in October 2016. Below is a complete listing of the conferences beginning in 2012, along with supporting Zero Waste in ACTION Blog articles.

2016 National Zero Waste Business Conference

June 1 – 4, 2016
Austin, TX

In June 2016 the Austin Resource Recovery, a City of Austin service, hosts the prominent Fifth Annual National Zero Waste Business Conference as Title Sponsor. For the third year, Ei is the NZWBC Official Media Partner, The following ZWA Blog articles published regarding the stellar conference:

Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Ei-hosted panels: Food Waste Composting: Challenges, Successes & Lessons Learned and The Macro Cost of Micro Contamination.

For a pictorial recap of the conference, visit the comprehensive Ei FB album, 2016 National Zero Waste Conference.

Food Waste Composting: Challenges, Successes & Lessons Learned:
The Macro Cost of Micro Contamination:

2015 National Zero Waste Business Conference

May 6 & 7, 2015
Los Angeles, CA

Ei was the national conference media partner and an active participant in the conference program. Following are ZWA Blog articles capturing pre, during and post-conference activities.

Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Zero Waste at Multi-Tenant Properties and Source Separation Maximizes Material Value panels showcasing zero-waste success amidst industry challenges.

For a pictorial recap of the conference, visit the comprehensive Ei FB album, 2015 National Zero Waste Conference – “The Stars of Zero Waste.”

Source-Separation Maximizes Material-Value Presentations:
Zero Waste at Multi-Tenant Properties Presentations:

2015 NZWBC – Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA

Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated two break-out panels at the 2015 National Zero Waste Business Council Conference: Source-Separation Maximizes Material Value and Zero Waste at Multi-Tenant Properties. Ei Pioneers & Industry Experts served on the panels and shared their challenges, lessons learned, & successes. The ZWA blog article, Zero Waste Makes Good Business Sense, features the conference-breakout sessions along with Ei’s strong conference participation. For more in-depth information, visit the National Zero Waste Business Conferences Page.

2013 National Zero Waste Business Conference

National Zero Waste Business Conference
Cincinnati, OH

Across the board zero-waste success is anchored in a team approach, engaging employees, suppliers, and the community. As the first Ei-hosted panel, Ei Partners presented on how the hospitality industry harnessed team synergies and created programs where the entire value chain and the community benefits. Ei Founder Holly Elmore moderated the Zero Waste is a Team Sport panel discussion: read more…

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